• FLASHBACK: Ukraine Fires Prosecutor Investigating Burisma And Hunter Biden, Transfers Cases To Soros-Controlled NABU For Closure

    May 12, 2022
    Ukraine Fires Prosecutor Investigation Burisma And Hunter Biden, Transfers Cases To Soros-Controlled NABU For Closure
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    Ukraine has fired the prosecutor investigating cases involving Hunter Biden and Burisma and has transferred responsibility to the Soros-controlled 'National Anti-Corruption Bureau' (NABU) for disposal. This is the same NABU led by Artem Sytnyk who was caught on tape bragging about helping the Clinton campaign in its effort to discredit Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

    Konstantin Kulik was fired from the General Prosecutor's Office on November 22 due to corruption charges against him. Sources for CD Media describe the firing as being political in nature, as a way to 'tidy up' any loose ends regarding Biden and Burisma, to keep the information from the public eye during the 'impeachment' campaign in the United States. They describe Victor Trepak (New Deputy General Prosecutor), Deputy Prosecutor General Vitaly Kasko, and Sytnyk as being under the control of the George Soros/Deep State infrastructure in-country. Trepak was involved in the infamous 'black ledger' in the Manafort affair, which is now considered to be fake.

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    The State Bureau of Investigation may be headed by Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Trepak it was reported by "Ukrainian Truth" with reference to sources, reported Ukrainian news outlet GordonUA.com.

    "Soros and the Democrats appointed their agents of influence to the General Prosecutor's Office (Kasko and Trepak). They put Sytnyk in NABU and Kholodnitsky in SAP (Special Prosecutor) in order to destroy the evidence of corruption of the Democrats in Ukraine and to continue the process of the country’s rape with impunity. They are corruption. If they put Trepak, the author of the 'black ledger', as the head of the State Bureau of Investigation, then the process of covering up their crimes will be completed," declared a confidential intelligence source in Ukraine.

    In an interview with the Ukrainian news outlet Babel, Kasko discusses the development of Kulik's firing.

    According to him, the National Bureau of Investigation will deal with almost all of the cases that Kulik conducted: “All the cases that Kulik was involved in are currently being inventory. In 99 percent of cases, NABU will deal with them. This is a good body to put an end to and clarify what actually happened in these matters. "


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    rickey ricardo

    Why, I never see anyone's else's comments and I never receive any responses for mine?

    […] Ukraine Fires Prosecutor Investigating Burisma And Hunter Biden, Transfers Cases To Soros-Controlled… […]

    Jan Williams

    Give us out money back !!

    glenn dupuis

    This is like turning the trial of a serial killer over to Ted Bundy.


    It's called criminal content by letting these criminals off the hook and all in the same, not bring the truth to let the people decide what is right.


    So where's the comedian in all of this? Do they treat HIM as the joke?

    […] Ukraine Fires Prosecutor Investigating Burisma And Hunter Biden, Transfers Cases To Soros-Controlled… […]

    […] Ukraine Fires Prosecutor Investigating Burisma And Hunter Biden, Transfers Cases To Soros-Controlled… […]


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