• IN PLAIN SIGHT - Time For Truth And Reconciliation

    August 27, 2022
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    Historical Facts on U.S. human medical experiments

    Episode 1: Anthrax vaccinations, U.S. military, FDA

    (January 14, 2003) --.Personnelman Chief(SW/AW) Richard L. Billips, LCPO of the Personnel office on board USS Donald Cook (DDG-75), shows a bit of anxiety as he receives the anthrax vaccination from Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (SW) Shelly L.. Jamison. Donald Cook is currently on a six-month deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. (RELEASED) U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class (AW) Michael W. Pendergrass.

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    Periodically, CDMedia is going to release public historical documents and old news reports that are clear and convincing evidence when elected officials, doctors, and vax-injured were publicly and officially acknowledged in America. 

    Our intention is to perform our fourth estate duties of informing the public and holding institutions and leaders accountable, and waking up the woke, misinformed, wilfully ignorant, gullible, massively misleading legacy media, and taking on Twitter and Facebook run by traitors to truth on the history of medical experiments in the U.S. as part of our IN PLAIN SIGHT series. 

    It is time that the mask of lies be ripped off surgically for all the scientific, medical, political and media hypocrisy that has been rippled across the world. 

    For those alive in America during 911 - only 21 years ago, there were reports of letters sent containing anthrax. It ignited alarms following 911. Five people were killed and 17 fell ill.  it was not an attack against the military. Investigators found the anthrax spores were derived from a strain produced in the 1980s at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Maryland.

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    Two years before that and 911, a hearing was held on Capitol Hill in the U.S. House of Representatives by the Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans Affairs, and International Relations, Committee on Government Reform on April 29, 1999. 

    The Chairman Congressman Christopher Shays (R-CT) was very concerned. In his opening statement, Shays hit the ball out of the park. The FDA had already inoculated the U.S. military during the first Gulf War. They had their sights on the 2.4 military men and women not yet injected. 

    “The plan to immunize 2.4 million men and women against weaponized anthrax raises legitimate concerns about the safety and efficacy of the current vaccine when used for that purpose on that many people,” stated then-Congressman Christopher Shays. 

    The Committee “asked the General Accounting Office to examine the data, supporting safety and efficacy claims and to gauge the impact of good manufacturing practice deviations on vaccine quality,” continued Shays.

    “The anthrax vaccine immunization program [AVIP], seems a very broad undertaking built on a very narrow foundation. The one study of safety and efficacy in humans, which was conducted among textile workers in the late 1950's, tested a different vaccine formulation than the one subsequently approved by the Food and Drug Administration [FDA], and used in the AVIP,” said Shays. “Using data on one vaccine to support the approval of another is problematic, particularly when there is no direct marker or correlate of human protection to use in comparing the two vaccines.”

    “Efficacy tests outcomes in animals cannot be extrapolated to humans. The fact that vaccinated monkeys survived exposure to inhaled anthrax longer than guinea pigs or mice suggests, but does not prove, some vaccine protection in man.”

    Shays went on to state that “later studies of the FDA-licensed vaccine also showed wide variations in adverse reaction rates, suggesting safety issues that may become apparent as usage grows from 200 or 300 people each year to several hundred thousand. There have been no studies of long-term health effects.”

    “Poor DOD record keeping prevented any systematic health surveillance of the 150,000 Gulf war troops who took the vaccine. Last year, Congress directed the National Academy of 

    Sciences to study the association between Gulf war veterans' illnesses and wartime exposures, including the anthrax vaccine. So it may be premature to conclude that the vaccine is as safe and effective for use in a global protection effort as it might be for use by a few thousand mill workers and veterinarians.”

    “Other factors relied upon by DOD to support vaccine safety and efficacy findings have been inflated to better match the scope of the AVI program. DOD relies heavily on FDA approval of the vaccine and FDA regulation of the manufacturer as an indicia of the vaccine's safety and quality. But we now know that approval was based on another vaccine in another time for use in another setting against a different route of exposure. FDA inspection reports portray an uncharacteristically passive regulator tolerating numerous serious and persistent violations for years at the Michigan production plant, now owned by the BioPort Corp.”

    “The AVIP confronts many active-duty, reserve, and national guard members with agonizing personal and professional choices. They deserve answers to their questions about the effectiveness and wisdom of this mandatory, invasive forced protection program. They deserve to know the vaccine chosen to meet the preeminent biological threats is as well tested and technologically advanced as the best weapons systems,” Shays concluded. 

    The entire historical record of the hearing can be read here. 

    One of the experts witnesses was Dr. Meryl Nass, who is now with Children’s Health Defense. 

    An excerpt of Dr. Nass testimony follows.

    “The third and most interesting legal issue is that of whether the currently licensed anthrax vaccine is the only anthrax vaccine to have been given to service members, and if in fact other vaccines may have contributed to illness. An unlicensed vaccine can only be given to a service member if informed consent is obtained. And I have not met a service member or Gulf war vet who tells me that informed consent was sought from them at the time they were vaccinated,” attested Dr. Nass.

    “However, this article, written in 1990 by Ernest Takefuji and Philip Russell, who were both administrators at Fort Detrick, suggests that in fact unlicensed anthrax vaccines were administered to service members. And a letter inquiring about this to DOD last year that Mark Zaid and Pat Eddington wrote got an answer that, in fact, the anthrax vaccine mentioned here is not the same anthrax vaccine as the licensed vaccine that service members are currently receiving, suggesting that at least one other has been given.”

    “Dr. Zoon talked about the VAERS reporting and how this produces information about adverse effects suffered shortly after vaccination. I would submit that this is the weakness of the VAERS system. What one really needs is active surveillance over a long period, of a significant enough number of vaccines to find out whether there is chronic illness. It just doesn't matter what you find out in the first week or the first 30 days if people get over it,” continued Dr. Nass.

    In her testimony, Dr. Nass raised the ultimate question that then that just may be relevant today, 23 years later, during covid. 

    “Is vaccination a good defense against biological warfare? Even if the vaccine were 100 percent effective against all strains of anthrax, which nobody claims, it still would be a porous defense because an enemy would simply choose another biological agent, one that occurs naturally or one created using genetic engineering.”

    Dr. Nass reminded the committee about the length of time it takes to develop an effective vaccination. 

    “William Patrick, who formerly headed the offensive program at Fort Detrick, had this to say,`It takes 18 months to develop a weapons-grade biological agent and 10 more years to develop a good vaccine against it,” noted Dr. Nass.

    ‘I submit that it is impossible to produce vaccines that will keep up with the rate of development of new bio-warfare agents, and that vaccines should clearly not be the first line of defense in this or any case against the threat of biological warfare,” added Nass. “Congress appropriated $322 million in 1997 for the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Its goals are to develop new vaccines for more than 10 known bio-warfare pathogens and administer the vaccine to all U.S. service members. The anthrax program can be regarded as the introduction to this much larger and less well known program. The FDA has publicly stated that it intends to expedite licensing for these new bio-warfare vaccines.”

    What follows Dr. Nass is testimony is from an anthrax-vaccinated injured. Frightening testimony in light of all the covid vax-injured CDMedia has interviewed for over 18 months. 

    Randi Martin was a civil service technician at the 110th Fighter Wing Air National Guard Base in Battle Creek, MI. He received his first anthrax injection on September 18, 1998, for a volunteer overseas deployment, which was scheduled to deploy on November 11th, 1998. The second injection was administered on October 2nd, and a third on October 16th.

    “On March 14th, 1999, I received my fourth injection. The lot number I received is yet to be determined. The next couple of days after my injection I felt sluggish, tired, and a little disorientated. However, I considered that to be normal with past experiences of inoculations. On March 17th, I realized this was no longer normal. I was so tired I could not get out of bed. My days for the next week consisted of numerous hours of sleeping. I was awakened only to eat,” stated Martin.

    “The following 2 weeks, I attempted going to work a couple of times, but lasted only for a couple of hours each day and then had to leave. The reasons were I was too tired, my head felt like it was going to explode, my abdominal cramping had me doubled-over, or I was just too disorientated,” continued Martin. “I began to notice that my memory seemed to be getting worse as I could not remember passwords to programs that I use everyday at my work.”

    “On March 31st I went to the emergency room with the complaints of abdominal cramping, my body was running hot and cold in temperature, a severe headache, shortness of breath, and feeling nauseated. I told the doctor I thought it was a reaction to the anthrax vaccination. The doctor inquired why I was not at a military hospital as they did not know anything about the anthrax vaccination” said Martin. “I informed him of our situation at our base, where there is no full-time medical physician available. In his willingness to help, he looked through the immunization pamphlets but could find nothing on the anthrax vaccination. This is the second time on the civilian side I have run into this. The doctor called the CDC only to get the answering machine. He left a message, told me to go home and he would call me back when he had an answer.”

    “I left the emergency room with no answers, but at least had a prescription for Motrin. While waiting for a call from the hospital, I was having a conversation with my father. I could not complete sentences without having to stop and gasp for air. I was so winded I literally felt as though I was going to pass out. The hospital called me in about an hour with the number the CDC gave them to give to me,” explained Martin. “I called the number but did not catch where I called. I was talking to a woman by the name of Kathy who seemed very nice and wanted to know what my symptoms were. When I started stating them, she interrupted me to say that some of the reactions had not previously been reported as adverse reactions from the vaccine, so she was not going to report some of my symptoms as being any type of adverse reaction.”

    Literally, six years later, as reported in the Hartford Courant on March 26, 2005, then-Congressman Shays rebuked the anthrax vaccinations, but the fight had already taken to the courts before U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan. 

    “The adverse reaction rate of the vaccine is 100 times the figure initially stated by the vaccine's manufacturer. Adverse reactions include immune disorders, muscle and joint pain, headaches, rashes, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, chills and fever,” reported the newspaper. “At least half a dozen deaths and a number of birth defects have been attributed to its use. More than 100 service members have been court-martialed for refusing the vaccine, 500 have been punished, and at least 300 pilots left the service after being told that they must be vaccinated.”

    This sounds all too familiar to what has happened since 2020, doesn’t it? 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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