• UPDATE: PELOSI SAYS SHE'S PLEASED...AstraZeneca Puts Vaccine Trial On Hold, Day After Trump Touts Vaccine In October...Political? Definitely Suspicious

    September 9, 2020
    AstraZeneca Puts Vaccine Trial On Hold, Day After Trump Touts Vaccine In October...Political?  Definitely Suspicious
    Anthony Fauci July 23, 2020
    Image by All-Pro Reels

    UPDATE 9/9/20 1400 EST Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says 'she's pleased' with AstraZeneca stopping vaccine trials...hmmm...all political, yes?

    "I'm very pleased that AstraZeneca has stopped their trial because they saw a problem that needs to be investigated. I'm so proud that the pharmaceutical companies have said they won't market or promote a vaccine unless it is properly approved."


    Am I the only person that sees the absurd coincidences after Big Pharma Giant AstraZeneca puts its Chinese coronavirus vaccine on hold the day after POTUS offers hope for the vaccine in October prior to the 2020 presidential election?

    Could this be political? It certainly is suspicious. After everything that has gone on from the Deep State and their globalist corporate enablers in the last five years, we certainly demand more transparency.

    This is on the same day that Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been thoroughly discredited as a presidential health advisor, declared the vaccine won't be ready by the election. Another coincidence?

    At a health conference, Fauci said it’s more likely a vaccine will be ready by “the end of the year” as drug companies Moderna and Pfizer race to complete patient enrollment for their late-stage vaccine trials by the end of September, reported CNBC.

     “It’s unlikely we’ll have a definitive answer” by the Nov. 3 election, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said at the Research! America 2020 National Health Research Forum.

    Again, if it walks like a duck...

    CDMedia is obviously too effective as we are being de-platformed! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!

    A large, Phase 3 study testing a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford at dozens of sites across the U.S. has been put on hold due to a suspected serious adverse reaction in a participant in the United Kingdom, reported Stat News.

    A spokesperson for AstraZeneca, a frontrunner in the race for a Covid-19 vaccine, said in a statement that the company’s “standard review process triggered a pause to vaccination to allow review of safety data.” 

    The spokesperson described the pause as “a routine action which has to happen whenever there is a potentially unexplained illness in one of the trials, while it is investigated, ensuring we maintain the integrity of the trials.” The spokesperson also said that the company is “working to expedite the review of the single event to minimize any potential impact on the trial timeline.”

    President Trump has been very vocal about his efforts to lower drug prices in America and that 'many rich people are very mad at him, like Big Pharma.

    I have several questions.

    First, why announce this at all? Why not just keep it to yourselves, and continue the trials? When it's done, it's done. This announcement seems ill-timed and very suspicious politically.

    Second, why did the news outlet reporting this include this sentence...potentially jeopardize President Trump’s efforts to fast-track a vaccine ahead of the November election.


    And here is the kicker... A second individual familiar with the matter, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said the finding is having an impact on other AstraZeneca vaccine trials underway — as well as on the clinical trials being conducted by other vaccine manufacturers.

    The above sentence just seems like a DNC add-on to make sure the markets and the general public know that 'all vaccines' will be stopped until after the election.

    We don't have any proof at all that AstraZeneca's announcement is political. We'd like to know more.

    It seems very suspicious.


    CDM Staff

    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    Do you really want a vaccine that has been rushed to market? There's an ethical problem with its production.
    Astra Zeneca has a partnership with the University of Oxford for
    Vaccine candidate: ChAdOx1 and AZD1222 .
    HEK-293 cells, derived from an aborted human are utilized.
    cogforlife DOT org has collected info on these vaccine ethics problems for decades.
    Their research on the origins of cell lines used in vaccine production is reliable.


    If Biden wins, China wins. America loses.

    Everything you fought defending in the U.S. military will be gone.

    Judy Abbott

    Anything, if approved by the left, whether it kills us or not.

    […] CDMedia voiced our concerns over the timing of the ‘pause’ last week here, right before the U.S. presidential election in November, which could hurt President Trump’s chances. […]

    Frederick Mackintosh

    The Pfizer vaccine trial samples were collected before the election. TH\he company execs chose not to test them and analyze the results until after the election to avoid improving President Trump's re-election chances.

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