Patriots Put Yourself At Risk...Now!
Boston Massacre as portrayed by Paul Revere

I've heard way too much caution among my conservative brethren recently.

"I don't want to get involved."

"Let's wait till after the election."

"If Biden wins, I don't want my business to be harmed."

"I could lose money."

Only 3% of the American population were involved in the revolution that overthrew King George's rule in the American colonies. Black Lives Matter/Antifa want to be that 3%.

They are serious. They are organized. They are Marxists. They have international backing, and the backing of globalist corporations and Silicon Valley. They are not going to stop, even after Trump wins.

They mean to alter your children's future for the worse. They mean to steal your freedom, you way of life. Your business will be targeted and threatened anyway.

Don't be a Neo-Tory.

It's up to us to stop them. No one else will do it.

Confront these communists.

So get involved. Put yourself at risk. Pay the needed sacrifice. You know what it is deep down.

If it's not in you to take risk, then support someone who is, who will.

CDMedia is obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!

Let's save the republic.

We've done it in Iwo Jima, Khe san, Fallujah, Normandy. Now it's time for strength and resilience at home.

We are not the land of the free, if we are not the home of the brave.