It's Time To Bring Back 'The Minutemen'...Neo-Bolsheviks Coming To Your Town
The statue of the Minuteman in Lexington, MA
Image by Oeoi

Are you willing to confront those who want to spit in your mother's food, steal your parent's drinks, flip over their chairs while eating, as BLM activists recently did in Pittsburgh, PA to an elderly couple eating outdoors, calling the woman 'an old b*tch (video below)? Are you willing to prevent your son from being murdered? Are you willing to prevent your church from being burned? How about your daughter being raped? Is any of this important to you?

The police can't protect you. In fact, in many cases, they now aren't allowed to protect you and yours.

You have to protect yourself, your town, your family. Or, would you rather have a Marxist 'political officer' tell you what to do?

CDMedia is obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!

This is the reason for the Second Amendment.

They are coming to your town people. They have already come to 48 American cities.

It's time to bring back an American icon - the Minutemen.

Yes, I am suggesting patriots organize protection units in their towns, develop communication procedures, rally points, tactics, etc.

Stay within the law, but start to protect your homes, your towns, your family.

Until the government decides to do the one thing it is supposed to do - protect its citizens - we will have to do it ourselves.

It takes a few leaders, but when one stands up, and another, and another, you will be surprised how easy it is to bring the Minutemen back.

The time is now.