• China Lied, People Died... And Now They're Lying Again

    April 2, 2020
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    Year of the Bat

    On December 31 last year, China alerted WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, home to a level-4 biolab in the central Hubei province. The Chinavirus was unknown. Yesterday, on March 31 U.S. COVID-19 related deaths reached 3,393 which surpassed the total number of deaths (officially) reported in China. In 3 months a regional viral infection in the middle of China grew into a global pandemic with its epicenter in the United States of America. And it's all the US govt's fault.

    April Fool's... Hahaha.

    In mid February CD Media reported on the likely origin of the Chinavirus in a report on the Wuhan lab and the scientists involved in creating of the bioweapon. This information is now slowly beginning to surface in corporate media (#FakeNews) because the preposterous claim that the virus resulted from Wuhan locals eating "bat soup" has proved to be too much for even a gullible and forgiving American public to believe. Yesterday this news source published a detailed timeline on how the Chinavirus contagion spread around the globe and who truly bears responsibility for allowing the attack.

    Today the U.S. Intelligence Community leaked a report that was delivered to President Trump last week which claimed China knowingly concealed the size of the initial Wuhan outbreak. The CCP also underreported the number of infected and the number of deaths resulting from disease. China's numbers were fake but to amplify their contempt for truth the CCP recently accused the U.S. military of releasing the virus on the Chinese people. This calumny on the nation's honor was too much for President Trump and he promptly started identifying COVID-19 as "the Chinese virus" and assigning blame squarely on the masterminds of the pandemic.

    “This is one of the worst cover-ups in human history, and now the world is facing a global pandemic,” Rep. Michael T. McCaul, Texas Republican and ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said last week. Mr. McCaul is part of a growing list of political leaders who are demanding that China be held accountable for the pandemic. Regardless of the actual origin of the Chinavirus it is clear that the CCP coordinated with WHO, billionaire oligarchs controlling corrupt politicians and a compliant, lazy, incurious corporate media to spread this virus around the world.

    On March 19 China claimed the government had contained the virus in Wuhan saying they had no new cases of infection in the city. Even the offending wet market where wild animals are sold for exotic meals that sometimes create a global pandemic and cripple the world's economy were reopened. But today the CCP closed down Wuhan neighboring Jia county in central China due to an outbreak of COVID-19. The World Health Organization and its Beijing sponsors have given misinformation and dissembling sleight-of-hand reports about the Chinavirus from the start of this crisis but now the world is finally starting to hold them accountable for their betrayal.


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