• Wall Street Loses Interest In Twitter, Gab Takes Market Share, Market Cap Falls $4B After Cancelling POTUS

    January 11, 2021
    Wall Street Loses Interest In Twitter, Market Cap Falls $4B After Cancelling POTUS

    The stock for social media giant Twitter (TWTR) fell on exchanges today, at one point losing over 12% of its value ($4B) but recovering half that loss by the close.

    The trading action happened after Twitter permanently banned the President of the United States Donald Trump and cancelled his account. Twitter also deleted Trump tweets from the official POTUS account.

    The action came after the AntiFa-manufactured incident at the U.S. Capital on Jan 6th.


    The incident raises again the question of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which provides U.S. social media companies immunity from prosecution for what happens on their platforms.

    Online platforms received immunity for not taking on a 'publisher' role but it is obvious this line was crossed long ago.

    It would be in both party's interest to reign in the unlimited power held by these massive, and omnipotently powerful Silicon Valley corporations.

    The only free-speech alternative to Twitter currently in operation, Gab.com, has taken on millions of new customers this week from Twitter, so much so its servers are overloaded as they attempt to satisfy massive demand.


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    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    Big tech has got their tentacles in other sites now as well. The comments areas are now pretty much on lockdown on Breitbart and Newsmax. Every single post I've tried since last night around 10pm ( -7hr GMT) has gone into a waiting moderation black hole on Breitbart, and on Newsmax there are several people complaining that their posts are getting delayed or never show. I'm waiting for Newsmax to do the same to me.

    David Neville

    Cancel Twitter and Facebook accounts don't just stop using them. If you don't cancel, they count as active accounts

    Montana Man

    Thank you for that information. I was certain yesterday that Breitbart joined the leftists when all of my comments were being delayed for moderator approval. Since it's clear that the problem I experienced was not of their making, I'll stick around and wait for the pending lawsuits to convince the despicable liberals to back off.


    I did cancel facebook and twitter and got rid of firefox as well. These techs went past their need.


    Let the stock holder lawsuits begin!


    Breitbart has gone over to the other side. I avoid Breitbart as much as I can. Don't give them the clicks.


    I like watching how Capitalism and the REAL cancel culture can work against these pseudo Capitalists/Commies.


    Breitbart banned me a year ago or so and still not sure why. Am God-fearing, as conservative as they come, patriot...Love what this country has stood for all these years. Free speech is no longer. We will have to fight on the battlefield to regain our liberty; been sayin' that for almost 3 years now because why?.............It's because the fascist left does not care at all about the truth, facts or evidence. They are laser focused on control.


    Breitbart banned me two years ago. And I have no idea what I said that caused them to censor me
    I am disgusted that they always support the Vicars of Satan in the Roman catholic church.


    Yep, I just tested Breitbart, my comment is "pending approval." Breitbart has fallen.


    Many people stating their comments on right of center sites are being held up or not showing up altogether. I’m sure there’s an all-out attempt by trolls, whose own sites have either removed the downvote feature &/ or removed their comments feature altogether (for their feelz may have been effected) & are the. in a coordinated effort to report people’s comments as spam, hate speech or other DISQUS features available.


    I too have had discus put me on 'hold' regarding my comments. Never before has this happened.

    Larry Folds

    Breitbart bans about every 3 of y comments. I thought they were conservative. Like Walmart, when the founder died, the business fell into the hands of the darkside.

    Ron Turner

    “You have exceeded 81% toxicity’ 😂🤬

    David O'

    This 'defunding' of our interest in these rip-off liberal websites couldn't happen to nicer people! To hell with them all. I've decided to leave every one of them I used to have to pay a monthly charge, no matter how small, and enjoy the other 'free' things in my life like reading, going for a walk instead of tuning into any/all of the social media sites that used to take up so much of my day. Enjoy the free things in this life now because if the new nefarious Communist Government can figure out a way to tax the air we breathe they will. This action also has an added benefit for those who have a family at home; that is, now maybe there will be a nice conversation at the dinner table and through the early evening rather than venting all of the troubles each of us has at work and/or school. A much healthier environment for all. Thank you new, Socialist/Marxist/Communist Government; now stick it!


    FB cancelled me back on 9/11/2020 for posting the same as this guy did. He got back on, but not me. Funny, I'm not missing it all that much after finding my friends over on Gab, Mewe, etc...



    Replying to several folks above: Breitbart has censored every comment i've made today, so apparently I'm on someone's list to be censored. Breitbart has been removed from my list of reliable news sources as a result. Looks like the nazi plan to censor the right is in full swing.


    I left Breitbart because I can't post there - I can't post the word "Hello" much less anything with an opinion. See ya later BB.

    Steve Kasian

    You're missing the elephant in the room. It's not the Left anymore, as evidenced by "conservatives" and Republicans turning on POTUS and We The People, towing the obviously manufactured Media™'s Deep State narrative. The Deep State is the enemy of the people, and The Media™ - both broadcast & social - is part and parcel. The Media™ must be destroyed. It must be target #1 in this civil war.


    how are u posting now? I think ur just trying to get people to leave breitbart


    It's DISCUS that's doing the banning. 3rd party Lefty company that is used by many website to moderate their comment sections. Be mad at DISCUS, not BB or other sites where you might get silenced. Last night i literally typed "what" and another time typed "bleach" and both were put on hold probably because of previous patriot type comments all last year. Just like the article above regarding Pence, BB and other sites serve their purpose. Don't get discouraged or let your emotions control your actions.

    Patriot Pat

    Traslation, buy your twatter stock now while its low, because a week from now the sheeple will have forgot all about this and its business as usual.

    Patriot Pat

    Breitbart just banned a few people i know. They turned chicke

    Patriot Pat

    But look AT the so called repugnicans turning on Trump. They were rino's at best. See this is the thing people are ignoring. The Repugs hated him just as much as the D's did, he's interrupting their money making too!! The only difference is, the D's have the courage to be outward with their treachery, while the R's will just backstab him like they do everyone and have been for 50 years. THAT is the R' way. Knife you, and smile and say oh nothing personal... just doing business.


    I placed three harmless comments on BB and all three were ``PENDING ` . I am done with BB , while they are PENDING i am ending, dont blame Disqus, because it is approved and monitored by BB.


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