Mailchimp Suspends CDMedia In Scramble To De-platform By Big-Tech

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Industry-leading email marketing company Mailchimp suspended CDMedia's account last night for wrong-think accusations, and for spreading the truth.

The action comes in a long list of de-platforming against CDMedia over the last year, as Silicon Valley big-tech flexes its monopolistic muscles, enabled by the corporate media and the Federal government.

The action will hinder CDMedia's ability to use email to distribute content to its audience.

CDMedia will find another provider as soon as possible.

You can help CDMedia during this difficult time as the firm bears the full brunt of the Deep State crackdown by donating to help us fund daily operations, as expenses are growing as we harden infrastructure.

CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!