• Trump Subtly Threatens To Cut Off China

    May 15, 2020

    "There are many things we could do," Trump said, "we could cut off the whole relationship." explaining that if that happened "[US would] save USD 500bln if you cut off the whole relationship."

    Trump Subtly Threatens To Cut Off China
    President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump join fellow G20 leaders, spouses and guests Friday evening, Nov. 30, 2018, at the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    President Donald Trump today subtly threatened to decouple the United States from communist China. After spending the first three years of his presidency trying to work with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, it now seems POTUS has decided the virus outbreak that emanated from the Wuhan bio lab, and the Communist Party of China's (CCP) behavior afterwards makes that impossible.

    This development comes as continuing jobless claims reported today, although still horrific, were not as bad as forecast, implying the American economy may be starting to recover from the lockdown nightmare.

    Markets were volatile as traders attempted to digest all the geopolitical news on the United States emerging from the lockdown, in spite of Deep State attempts to keep it closed.

    Import Price Index (MoM) (Apr) printed at -2.6% vs -3.1% consensus forecast.

    Continuing Jobless Claims (May 1) printed at 22.833M vs 25.1M estimate.

    Import Price Index (YoY) (Apr) printed at -6.8% vs -6.2% estimate.

    Export Price Index (MoM) (Apr) printed at -3.3% vs -2.1% estimate.

    Export Price Index (YoY) (Apr) printed at -7.0% vs -5.1% estimate.

    Initial Jobless Claims (May 8) printed at 2981K vs 2500K estimate.

    Initial Jobless Claims 4-week average (May 8) printed at 3616.5K.


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    […] Friday, CD Media reported on President Trump’s threats to decouple from China and the market responded violently to the […]


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