• Biden Caught Faking Economic Data...CPI Jumps In Feb, BLS Admits It's Making Most Of It Up

    March 10, 2021
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    CPI Jumps In Feb, BLS Admits It's Making Most Of It Up
    Image by DonkeyHotey

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    Update: The BLS is basically just admitted it is all BS..."data collection in February was affected by the temporary closing or limited operations of certain types of establishments. These factors resulted in an increase in the number of prices considered temporarily available and imputed"

    So take the following data with a pinch of salt (and no there's no conspiracy cover-up here at all to hide the pernicious effects of massive money-printing... that would be crazy talk).

    And while you're ignoring the fact the BLS made all this data up, ignore this chart too...

    To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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