• Fuhrer Klaus: Eat Ze Bugs, Live In Ze Pod, No Elections Will Be Needed

    August 13, 2023

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    In a conversation with Google founder Sergey Brin, founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, delights at the thought of a future without elections.

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    Eat the bugs, peasants!


    No elections VILL be needed


    Why the hell would people accept this? The same folks who bring you screwgle & shatgpt w/ their left-wing biases are going to come out with a "prescriptive algorithm" & it is magically going to somehow be unbiased? ROFLMAO & I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell if you actually believe that. How are they going to manage to replace voting w/ software? You can't tell me at least half the populace won't go along with this. This is setting up literal taxation w/o representation


    eat z lead

    Ernst Roehm

    Der Fuehrer needs to have his own night of the "Long Knives"


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