Complying with open records requests nationwide will likely prove massive election fraud

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At CDM we have been cataloguing a rogues gallery of suspected election fraudsters, along with corroborating evidence across several states for months. The issue has centered mainly on the 'blank ballot' issue found throughout the nation in states which are allowing the alleged fraud by allowing machines to designate large percentages of ballots cast 'blank' and then adjudicating them by software. In short, a sophisticated way of 'changing votes'. In Broward County, FL in 2020, upwards of 20% of ballots cast in some precincts were designated 'blank'.

When presented with this information in massive nationwide 'open records' requests to obtain the 'audit logs' of election machines, many jurisdictions refused to provide the data, possibly knowing the fraud would be revealed.

The issue was so feared by the suspected election fraud cartel in Florida, the legislature actually passed a law to prevent access to these reports, cynically called an 'election integrity bill'.

You can read some of our documentation below of this phenomenon:

In the last several months, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was made aware of the issue and has recently issued a letter requiring the logs to be released in Texas.

Paxton has also been made aware of the nationwide 'Act Blue' money laundering smurf operation where mainly elderly citizens have had their identities stolen and thousands of campaign contributions made in their name.

This story is developing...

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