• Alleged Homewrecker Ilhan Omar Claims She's Still Married To Husband

    August 28, 2019
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    Ilhan Omar. Screenshot: YouTube

    Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), outspoken freshman congresswoman, anti-Semitic Muslim, alleged immigration-cheating former bride to her biological brother, and member of the notorious "Squad," claimed today that she is still married to her second husband, Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi. Further, she denied carrying on an affair with a consultant to her office, Tim Mynett of the firm E. Street Group.

    "I have no interest in allowing the conversation about my personal life to continue and so I have no desire to discuss it," Omar stated today in an interview with Minneapolis news station WCCO, which acceded to Omar's dismissive attitude. The CBS affiliate upheld the Minneapolis media's softball protocol in all things Muslim, asking breathlessly of Omar, "You seem just completely unfazed and unbowed...I mean, how do you do it?"

    Mynett's estranged wife, Dr. Beth Mynett, stated in a divorce filing that her husband was and is involved in an affair with Omar, and that his “more recent travel and long work hours now appear to be more related to his affair with Rep. Omar than with his actual work commitments." Mr. Mynett has received $230,000 in campaign funds for his consultancy.

    Omar claims that she feels obliged to carry on "the work that I feel I was destined to do,” which is curious given that she, like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), didn't choose a life in politics, but was recruited by the leftist candidate factory Justice Democrats, a PAC under federal investigation in yet another case of illegal use of campaign contributions, charges which recently forced the resignation of disgraced Justice Democrats co-founder Saikat Chakrabarti.


    Omar is the latest beneficiary of "Minnesota Nice" journalism. She travels the well-worn trail blazed by alleged domestic abuser and former congressman Keith Ellison, whose blatant denials of beating his girlfriend Karen Monahan were covered gently by local media, even in the face of video evidence captured by Monahan's son.

    "Ellison supporters questioned the timing of the allegations days before the [Minnesota attorney general] primary," the Star Tribune sniffed.

    The message is clear in progressive havens such as Minneapolis, the former anti-Semitic capital of the U.S.: as long as your skin isn't white, and especially if you are a Muslim, immoral and unethical behavior will be overlooked, and even rewarded. Ellison won his post-scandal election. Time will tell if Omar does the same in 2020.


    Court Anderson

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