• Virginia Governor Preparing for Gun Confiscations

    December 26, 2019

    Virginia gun owners and lawmakers face off over new gun laws.

    Image result for governor northam "youtube"
    Virginia Governor Ralph Northam CBS/Youtube

    Earlier this year, disgraced Virginia Governor Ralph Northam tried pushing through his state’s assembly some of the strictest gun control policies ever introduced in the Commonwealth. The measures inevitably failed but Democrats gained a small majority in both chambers in November. The first task? Resurrect these dead bills. Now Virginia is facing two fresh laws; the banning of semi-automatic rifles as well as a registry of those already owned.

    The new legislation is being introduced as gun confiscatory laws since they do not grandfather in existing firearms that would be banned and make current gun owners felons facing up to five years in prison.

    Gun owners across the state and country are concerned that the registry will be used for future gun confiscations and that restricting access to certain rifles is no more than a power grab as these firearms are rarely used in crimes. Gov. Northam and Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring are confirming these suspicions by reallocating a substantial hunk of the budget to prepare for residents not willing to comply.  

    The proposed $250,000 is for a special correctional department fund to “increase in the operating cost of adult correctional facilities resulting from the [gun law] enactment.” Not only are Virginians going to see their gun rights restricted, but they’ll be paying for it, too.

    Governor Northam is still only floating the idea of a gun buyback program, a racket where the government buys your guns with your money much lower than market value.

     Over the last six weeks, more than 100 Virginia townships and localities have passed resolutions declaring themselves as Second Amendment Sanctuaries as pro-gun activists hold rallies across the state. Most of these resolutions include wording that they will refuse the state the right to assign their revenue to pay for the unconstitutional infringements on Virginians' right to bear arms.

    Pro-gun rally outside VA Capitol Nov. 4th/Youtube

    Herring has warned that the state is king and localities opposing the new gun restrictions will be faced with statist force to comply. Democratic House Delegate Lee Carter has introduced a bill which makes any law enforcement officer that specifically refuses to enforce Virginia’s strict gun laws open to immediate termination.

    Following Carter’s example, a Richmond Delegate, Donald McEachin is calling for Governor Northam to use the National Guard to enforce these laws if the local governments still refuse as well as cut their funding. Speaking to Newsweek, he says:

    “[T]he governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law. That's his call, because I don't know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that's obviously an option he has…

    They certainly risk funding, because if the sheriff's department is not going to enforce the law, they're going to lose money."

    And those aren’t even the craziest of suggestions. Police Chief RaShall Brackney from Charlottesville called for a ban on all weapons in a judicial committee meeting.

    Michael Hammond, a legal councilor for Gun Owners of America is helping to craft legislation “that would prohibit the governor from declaring martial law for the purpose of confiscating guns through the National Guard.”

    A Culpeper County Sheriff is also taking on the gun restrictions by declaring he will personally deputize thousands of residents in order to bypass these limitations. While Sheriff Jenkins did note that he is trying everything within his power to legally oppose the potential gun grab, he did tell Fox & Friends:

     “[Residents] will be properly vetted through a normal process. Everything from normal background checks that we do for other deputy sheriffs as well as psych evaluations... It’s not just a blanket policy of swearing-in anyone who is interested.”

    It also means that the residents that take advantage will be required to complete at least 8 hours of volunteer work a month.

    On Capitol Hill, Democrats are excited about Virginia’s authoritarian wet dream. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) told the Washington Examiner he hopes the local county police who are refusing to enforce these gun control measures resign or, “they [will be] prosecuted for failure to fulfill their oath.” Then he went on to say:

    “The law is the law. If that becomes the law, you don't have a choice, not if you're a sworn officer of the law.”

    The “law is the law” argument falls flat considering Democratic lawmakers in Virginia have simultaneously been pushing immigrations bills that would see tuition lowered for the “undocumented” aliens as well as give them driver licenses.

    Image result for virginia state seal

    Virginia’s state motto “sic semper tyrannis” (thus ever unto tyrants) once represented victory over tyranny. The irony is tragic.


    Taylor Day

    Taylor Day lives in New England where she enjoys being an outspoken anti-SJW, firearm enthusiast and writer. Her previous publications include The New York Times, U.S. Catholic and American Thinker with appearances on MSNBC and LocknLoad Radio.
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    Little State "Codes" DO NOT Supersede the LAW OF the People BY the People FOR the People - which IS the US Constitution. These Elected SERVANTS do not stand above the PEOPLE. The Constitution IS the LAW. ANY Military OR Police Force, such as the National Guard, that comes against the LAW of the Constitution, renders itself a DOMESTIC ENEMY of the People and the US Constitution, by an UNLAWFUL Act.
    1828 Websters Dictionary defines "Militia" and "Arms" - FOR WAR. No other purpose for War, but against Foreign, and in this case Domestic Enemies. Enemies of the LAW, which IS the Constitution, which GOVERNS and stands ABOVE any State Code that attempts to overcome the Constitutional Sovereignty OF the People.
    No place in the Constitution are the People "Lawfully" made to be Citizens. The problem exists that the People have been tricked and brainwashed to believe they are "Citizens", and have no choice. Citizens are SUBJECTS. The only "Subjects" are those Elected Servants OF the People, who are SUBJECT of the People BY the LAW which IS the Constitution. "We the Citizens" did not Ordain this Nation and it's LAW, to GOVERN our Elected Servants. "WE THE PEOPLE" Ordained this Nation and LAW, to GOVERN our Elected SERVANTS, and stand Sovereign ABOVE those Elected SERVANTS - BY the Constitution.
    Those who attempt to usurp the LAW/Constitution ARE the ENEMY of the People. No less than Rabid Dogs whose time has come to be PUT DOWN as such.
    Just for starters: “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.”
    Marbury vs. Madison. Source: 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176 (1803)


    the 2a is between the feds and states............states can write all the gun laws their citizens demand.

    millard fillmore

    The point being,the citizens are trying to remind the blackface-lovin',infanticide promoting governor that they did not 'demand' these laws.


    The 14th Amendment forces the rest on the States. Try Perpich v DOD (1990) and Lopez v U.S. (1994) for starters.


    So Scott, did the Supreme Court get Heller and McDonald wrong? By your statement can the states get slavery re instated? Right? Don't give up your day job. Everyone likes clean restrooms while visiting McDonald's.

    Marilyn Renee

    Yeah baby!


    No....the 2A is between We The People and our federal government. States may write laws that violate The Constitution...but those laws are invalid and unenforceable. The courts decide the constitutionality of a law....not some politician trying to garner votes.


    You're dead wrong. The second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights and the guarantor of all those rights. The police and National guard are not the militia. If you read The Federalist papers they are specially provided for as standing armies. The militia is the common man; men between the ages of 17 and 44 originally; later ratified to include all able-bodied who could load aim and fire a weapon.


    It's more complicated than that, Ed. There are two basic issues you missed:

    1. Under the doctrine of 'incorporation' the Supreme Court has gradually told the states that they too must obey limits set by the bill of rights on what the federal government can do. That is, all but one of the Amendments that make up the BOR are by SC decisions 'incorporated' into state constitutions whether the states like it or not.

    2. Virginia has a clause in its constitution that is almost identical to the 2A in the US Constitution -- in fact, Virginia's statement is actually a little clearer than the 2A itself.

    The problems we're having with states and localities making anti-2A laws come from the fact that all rights are restricted where they collide with other rights: 'Free speech' does not mean I can shout 'FIRE!' in a crowded theater when there is no fire. So where does your 'shall not be infringed' 2A right collide with some right of mine? Maybe I have a right not to be offended by an ugly black rifle that you own?

    This is a typical question for the Supreme Court. Unfortunately the court only recently got around to saying (in DC v. Heller) that we HAVE an individual right to keep and bear arms. And when it did so, it said that like other rights there could be some restrictions -- mentally ill persons, heavy weapons (I think -- haven't looked lately) but the details would have to be settled 'later.'

    Since then -- Heller was in 2008 AARC -- there have been no cases accepted that deal with the question of WHAT restrictions would be acceptable. Accordingly, the states and localities that don't like guns have gone about making laws that amount to "Sure you have the right but only while standing on your head on Thursdays if you are transgender."

    Bans on style of common-type firearms won't survive unless the Democrats take over the Supreme Court. Probably not limits on magazine sizes, etc. Registration/licensing laws? That's harder -- The SC COULD either consider them acceptable or buy the argument that these are simply 'confiscation any time we want in the future' and thus a dagger aimed at the core purpose of the 2A -- preventing the establishment of a dictatorship. We don't know.

    And it's probably going to take ten-twenty years to find out the details. Stay tuned, and keep voting conservative!


    The miniority commies already took your
    Bibles, your prayers, your Sundays and
    your bathroom from your kid's schools.

    They see you do nothing to stop them.
    They will take everything.

    The constitution has power only
    when those who are living excercize the

    But God will not be mocked.
    Repent and trust in Jesus.
    Pray He brings revival and Justice
    to this wicked world.

    Larry Folds

    These politicians really think they are bullet proof. Amazing the arrogance of these jackals. Give me liberty or give me death rings somewhat ominous at this juncture.

    poster guy

    "Little State “Codes” DO NOT Supersede the LAW OF the People BY the People FOR the People – which IS the US Constitution."

    I agree. Time to go around arresting every pot-head in every state that defies federal law.

    no one

    When the first shot rings out when an American refuses to give up the right to protect, defend their home and self
    that is when the civil war begins, much like history repeats. Will democrats ever learn the value of our nations

    Marilyn Renee

    Democrats are self serving dogs. They would trash the Constitution in a moment. The Constitution, and adhering to it, is what makes this nation function and prosper. Including God is helpful. but the dems will be sure to throw Him out with the dishwater.

    David Reamer

    Get the UN out of America and America out of the un before We The People have to.

    Marilyn Renee

    I agree. The UN will become a danger to many in due time.

    Justa Guynamedjoe

    Sic Semper Tyrannis.


    Time to water the tree.

    David Palmer

    What? Is slavery just an issue between the feds and the states, but states can write all the slavery laws they want? Check your Bill of Rights; these are individual rights, protected from any government level bureaucrat. Americans need to go back to Civics 101 and understand the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the limitations on government...

    Marilyn Renee

    Thus, why they no longer teach civics to students.


    In case Blackface hasn't noticed...the establishment of 91% of counties as 2A sanctuaries and a shiny new militia in every one of them kind of indicates his gun confiscation has ALREADY failed. The rest is just inertia.


    The Constitution of The United States and the Constitution of the State of Virginia both guaranty the right to bear arms. It is clear that the founders and writers of both documents wanted the people to be capable of defending themselves from Tyrants like those in Richmond. The 2nd amendment is not about "hunting" or individual self defense. There is only one reason that it was written: To defend against TYRANY. I don't care what some lawyer or a judge says it is clear what the founders intended.
    ANY law that abridges that right is unconstitutional on it's face. Any law that would restrict acquiring a weapon or the means of operating the weapon (i.e. Magazines and ammunition) are also unconstitutional.
    This right carries with it a great deal of responsibility and is not to be taken lightly. If you have a weapon, then you should be trained in it's use and proficient in it's operation and capabilities.

    I was a soldier for more than 20 years. I fought for this country. I will not bow to any King or Tyrant. I WILL NOT COMPLY.


    Well said, Reaper.

    It's plain in the writings of the founders that the 2A was to prevent tyranny. Nobody wrote mentioning hunting or personal amusement, target shooting, or any of that. They wrote of their fear of two things: A king or other tyrant -- remember that the colonies were just getting free of George III -- and of standing armies which (they felt) could easily be used to seize control of the new republic and convert it to a monarchy. Their solution was a skilled militia -- all the able men, who already possessed military-grade arms and could be called to service in an emergency.

    Brett roller

    Well mister Governor sounds great I hope all your deputies quit that means less law to protect you and others because they do believe in our gun laws we have the right to have them Stark tax dollars age you to do a job guess what our techs got dollars can take you out just as quick we have enough socialism in this country as it is you're trying to get the whole countries socialism if you're a truck driver you are socialism you're attracted every movement from the time you start to the time you finish even when you're off at home that's not Freedom mister so all you got no owners and truck driver stick together no matter what so send your National Guard in there mister governor is that tell you what you're going to get you're going to get Mass desertion cuz they're not going to fight their own people we done had one silver award and that's a reason we have the rights to have guns is the stand up to fools like you

    Mic J Palazzolo

    The National Guard is just that...National. It is and remains under the supreme control
    of the Commander and Chief of the United States: Donald J. Trump. If this 'blackface'
    or 'klansman' infanticide-promoting reprobate of a f*cking governor orders the Guard to
    deploy, the President will order that they stand down.


    Words on a piece of paper are not HONORED by tyrant politicians...ONLY when they are 'removed from office'..and not by the ballot box...do the people and citizens regain freedom and liberty...which IS guaranteed by words on a paper...IT takes PEOPLE that want freedom to make sure they have it....and words do not provide that reality...ONLY force applied to the tyrants and their minions...will suffice to insure what has been enshrined in the fiber of only THIS country....no other country like the USA in the history of the world...and the guaranteed RIGHT to bear arms is the fiber of this country....those politicians that would not agree with that or will attempt to remove it...ARE to be removed from power themselves...for THEY have broken their oath and any trust afforded them....imo.....SEMPER FI


    I'll wait to see what Goofy Northam tries to do.. if it goes against the country's Constitution then I will resist and go to jail if need be. I am completely opposed to this goofball Governor. When THEY fire the first shot they are in for a surprise that will take place across the entire state of Virginia and beyond. I pray our President will step in and enforce our freedoms!


    Like the elections in our Nation.. the states should be conducted under Electoral Collage as well. It is not right for the entire state of Virginia to be dictated to by the overflow of migrants from DC and Maryland who settled in the concrete catacombs of our inner cities close to DC, Richmond and the Hampton Regions. 80% of Virginia geographically voted for a Republican!
    The state of Virginia is as divided as the country and we may very well be the first state involved in a Civil War.
    The Minutemen Militia of Culpeper Virginia is ready to defend and protect... It is a shame that the Commonwealth is under attack by a retard sitting in the Governor's office. STOP NORTHAM NOW BEFORE BLOOD IS DRAWN!!


    Virginia did not have a fair gubernatorial election to begin with. Michael Bloomberg used George S 0 ros' dirty money to finance his campaign to back anti-gun democratic candidates who otherwise would have lost. Democrats gerrymander the vote with illegal aliens in sanctuary cities. Those illegal aliens then vote for the biggest hand-out from a Democratic welfare monger. Then Communist Party operatives pack them on buses to vote 10 times each for dead people at multiple voting precincts. That's why a Republican vote is useless in California or New York. The saturated big cities have the firepower of numbers over the people outside the cities who are largely conservative, so a leftist goon gets a free pass. That's how you got Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown, and Andy Cuomo. If anything, there should be an electoral college for the states; now we need one because of voter fraud. We need biometric voter ID, a return to paper ballots only, and felony prosecution for voter fraud.


    Clearly let us hope, for the sake of all involved in this matter, the governor of Virginia included a line item in his 2020 budget for body bags.

    He will need them.


    Virginia's police office oath...
    I _______ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States,
    and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially
    discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as a sworn Police Officer with the City of Virginia
    Beach Police Department according the best of my ability, (so help me God).


    Virginia did not have a fair gubernatorial election to begin with. Michael Bloomberg used George S 0 ros' dirty money to finance his campaign to back anti-gun democratic candidates who otherwise would have lost. Democrats gerrymander the vote with illegal aliens in sanctuary cities. Those illegal aliens then vote for the biggest hand-out from a Democratic welfare monger. Then Communist Party operatives pack them on buses to vote 10 times each for dead people at multiple voting precincts. That's why a Republican vote is useless in California or New York. The saturated big cities have the firepower of numbers over the people outside the cities who are largely conservative, so a leftist goon gets a free pass. That's how you got Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown, and Andy Cuomo. If anything, there should be an electoral college for the states; now we need one because of voter fraud. We need biometric voter ID, a return to paper ballots only, and felony prosecution for voter fraud.

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