• Fauci And Redfield (NOT Messonnier) Will Testify To Senate Next Week

    May 5, 2020
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    President Trump's coronavirus task force is being harassed by lawmakers on Capitol Hill who demand more oversight into the administration's Chinavirus response. On May 12 Robert Redfield from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will be among several scientists testifying before a Senate committee.

    Fauci And Redfield (NOT Messonnier) Will Testify To Senate Next Week
    Health professionals going to the trash heap next week
    photo by Low9AppliancePiles2.jpg

    Last week, the Trump administration blocked Fauci from appearing before a House committee on the subject of spending on coronavirus testing. The partisanship in the House, exemplified by the impeachment hoax which dominated the news cycle while the Chinavirus contagion spread around the world, has shamed Nancy Pelosi and her committee chairmen. "The House is a setup," Trump said. "The House is a bunch of Trump haters."

    The House has proved itself untrustworthy but the Senate 'trash heap' is controlled by the GOP which means the treatment of the White House team might be somewhat rational and focused. The HELP Committee - Health, Education, Labor and Pensions - will hear from Fauci, Redfield, HHS Assistant Secretary Brett Giroir and FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn about "safely getting back to work and back to school" because the Coronavirus task force will soon be disbanded and by Memorial Day the Chinavirus will be... a memory.

    Lamar Alexander (R-TN) is the chairman of the HELP Committee and Patty Murray (D-WA) is the ranking member from the opposition party. The makeup of this committee includes Richard Burr, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney and Kelly Loeffler on the GOP side so "a bunch of Trump haters" will be in the Senate too. There is little chance that these Senators will ask "health experts" questions that get to the root cause of the Chinavirus or that any of the "scientists" will recommend anything new to help the citizenry to get back to work. Social distancing and more testing seem to be the only tools these doctors are willing to advocate and until the powers in Washington DC are willing to name infected people and identify the exact location where they live We the People will be ordered to be prisoners to viral tyranny.

    The last time the HELP Committee questioned health professionals on Chinavirus was March 3 and according to the CDC, NIH and FDA America had very little to worry about.

    One person who is NOT scheduled to appear before the HELP Committee is Dr. Nancy Messonnier, head of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, who launched the US response to the panDEMic on Feb. 25 while President Trump was traveling in India. It's a surprising oversight because Dr. Messonnier was a key member of the team, along with Fauci and Redfield, who was protecting America from the Chinavirus in the early days of the contagion. Watching the January 28 COVID-19 briefing shows Messonnier front and center downplaying the Chinavirus threat and assuring America that the problem was centered in China and this was just 2 days before President Trump banned travel from that country into the USA.

    This is what the best and brightest thought of Chinavirus in late Jan. 2020

    By March 8 key businesses in the US were starting to ask their employees to work from home, but stores were not shuttered, schools were still open, sports were still being played and life was generally proceeding as normal. America was going to have to weather a tough storm of pandemic but the country had faced much harder challenges in its past and the independent minded Yankees would persevere. Then Dr. Messonnier delivered more bad news to the nation and set up every business in America for a gigantic law suite for ignoring the warnings of the CDC.

    Dr. Nancy Messonnier kills the US economy

    Where is Dr. Nancy Messonnier? Who signed off on her pronouncements on the Chinaviurs dangers and imminent disruption to America's way of life? She was central to every decision the top health professionals made while this virus spread throughout the world and America but she's not going to be held to account for her actions. Perhaps, her brother Rod Rosenstein can make time to drive up to Capitol Hill and answer questions on her behalf.


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