• Project Veritas Exposes Democrat Misleading Voters In Kentucky

    September 17, 2020
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    Image by Gage Skidmore

    Democrats seemingly will do anything to win their seat in November, and that includes pretending to have policy views in line with President Trump. James O’Keefe, an undercover journalist from Project Veritas released his latest bombshell from staffers working for Amy McGrath, a Democrat running against Mitch McConnell for the US Senate. The Democrat candidate was exposed speaking to her staff and telling them to lie about her platform if that meant getting votes.

    The video caught the campaign staff dishing out that McGrath makes sure not to correct policy mistakes from her platform if it means that Trump supporters will support her as well. Abby Cox, Northern Kentucky Field Organizer, revealed the underlying goal of the campaign. McGrath, who wants to unseat McConnell, has been misleading her voters on her policy views. 

    Cox said, “It’s not that she [Mcgrath] like supports him [Trump] but in order to like do this thing we’re trying to do, that’s sorta what’s required.” She continued, “The way we need to do it (win the election) is not by like talking about policy.”

    Later in the video, Cox let it slip that in order to win votes, there needs to be an association with President Trump. She said, “It’s kind of the bottom line. And I think from there, a lot of people turn that into like she supports Trump, or she supports the wall, or whatever. It is not true.”

    Cox continued to give details about how McGrath’s campaign is purposely misleading her voters. She continued, “I think what is hard, and like I don’t agree with this personally, but I think some of the communications people on our campaign are fine with, they’re like oh some, you know, Republicans think that she [Mcgrath] supports those things and that makes them vote her like, we’ll take it. And I was like well, I don’t really know about that.”

    And then, Cox continued to expose the candidate by admitting she doesn’t believe in the coal industry, an issue that is crucial for many Kentucky voters. 


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