• GA Recount To Possibly Invalidate Hundreds Of Thousands Of Biden Ballots, But What Are They Actually Auditing?

    November 12, 2020
    Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger
    Image by Caitelizabeth5


    Questions have arisen as to process which will be followed in Georgia's coming 'recount' of the votes as required by the GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who to say the least, has not inspired confidence in a fair process. Both GA GOP Senatorial candidates have demanded he resign for incompetence at best, sedition at worst.

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    The question is - what will the recount be counting? Will it audit every vote as far as just matching a voting card to the electronic count, or will they verify the vote itself, due to the obvious massive fraud and hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes counted according to affidavits filed by eye witnesses.

    I’m sending this to all the poll workers who worked at Jim Miller Park for the last election. We are again in need of your help. We will be conducting an audit of all 396,549 ballots to verify the presidential race. We will begin at 8am on Friday and will work every day until finished. We must complete the audit by Wednesday night. The pay for this will again be on dayworker forms at $9.55 per hour. We may be too late for the November election payroll, although we will try to get it in. If not you will be paid in the next election payroll, pay date January 7, declared an email sent to poll workers in one GA county.

    The Georgia Secretary of State office is requiring a recount of all poll locations in the state and from what I understand they are counting paper ballots to make sure they match the electronic ballots marked on the machines, declared a supervisor of one GA county polling operation.


    The 2020 presidential election may come down to one state - Georgia. It is critical Trump supporting officials and lawyers demand that the votes be actually 'audited' and that someone we can trust watches the 'auditors'. If it is done fairly, Trump wins. But, as we well know, there is massive incentive to cheat by the Left, as they have shown themselves quite capable of already.


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    please tell us how we can volunteer to help with the legwork...I will work for no pay. I am a SC resident but will travel to GA to help in the fight.

    herb daniels

    looks like if you can get your body down to Georgia, you can get $9.55 per hour.
    So... Since YOU volunteered to work the hours for volunteer pay = nothing...
    Therefore. get on a bus by cash . go to Atlanta. & take the hourly pay.
    Use the hourly pay to defray your transportation, food and shelter. good luck


    am perplsurprised all this chicanery is not exposed more out in the "media". It is so obvious so repugnant. We need more elaboration of the legal strategy(s) and how this should go. It's absolute one party & big tech corruption !!>

    jack johnson

    This could be Trump`s greatest accomplishment.....exposing our corrupt, incompetent election process. People don`t understand the importance of these recounts and audits, if you don`t have a election system that we believe in, we no longer have a country. I`m afraid "they" are all in on this fraud. Trump was going to do some drastic things in his 2nd term, like getting out of Afghanistan. I believe "they" would do everything possible to prevent these changes.


    We need an nation wide audit and investigation into every single vote cast to ensure no lawful vote was deleted and no fraudulent vote counted. Every. Stolen office down to dog catcher must be overturned. Furthermore the criminals who perpetrated these crimes must be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the most severe law allowed. They cooperated treasonously with China to destroy us! I want executions!


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