• Trump Allies Look To Grenell for Potential California Governor Bid as Newsom Recall Gains Momentum

    February 6, 2021
    Trump Allies Look To Grenell for Potential California Governor Bid as Newsom Recall Gains Momentum
    Image by Gage Skidmore

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    It’s still not clear yet if California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom will even face a recall election this year, but if he does, allies of former President Donald Trump are abuzz about one potential candidate: former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.

    All eyes in Trump-world are on Grenell, who served as U.S. ambassador to Germany before Trump appointed him the first-ever openly gay cabinet member in U.S. history when he ran the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI).

    “I think what you just pointed out with leadership in Texas and what Matt Gaetz has pointed out about leadership in Florida, that’s what California needs,” Grenell said in an appearance alongside Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program this week. “We are dying to have somebody who listens to the science. We have Gov. Gavin Newsom who shut down the beaches. Now, this is not part of science. We have a governor who plays politics. But we also have a state that is completely run by one party. If you want to have the insiders from one political party, and the well-connected constantly get what they want, then you have to keep electing the same people over and over and that’s what we have in California. I think Gov. Abbott is exactly right. We need more freedom and we certainly shouldn’t be shutting down churches or beaches...”

    To read more visit Breitbart.

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    Grennell will win in a landslide and perfect for the job. I hope he considers to reverse the damage done of liberal policies in California. California is key to 2022 and 2024 sweep to finally save the country.

    Susan Larrabee

    If only we could clone him and then every state in the country could have a man of integrity running their state.


    John Cox showed admirably in the ,as gubernatorial election. He has excellent business experience, and should be included in any run for governor. He also has excellent administrative experience.

    I love Ric, but I don't see him as having the executive experience needed for a state the size of CA. He is a real gem.


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