• Fulton County, GA Says It 'Has No Control Over Its Elections' In Motion To Dismiss Election Audit Case

    May 27, 2021
    Fulton County, GA Says It 'Has No Control Over Its Elections' In Motion To Dismiss Election Audit Case
    Fulton County Courthouse, Atlanta, GA
    Image by Warren LeMay

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    In three filings today in the election fraud case making its way through court in Fulton County, GA, attorneys declared the county has 'no control over its elections' in a bit to stop the election audit that was scheduled to begin tomorrow, when county employees were to discuss how to implement the court-ordered scan of 147k mail-in ballots at 600 dpi, enough resolution to detect fraud. The case is being heard by Judge Amero in Henry County, GA.

    Today Judge Amero delayed the audit pending a hearing on the motions filed.

    In a hearing on May 21st, CDMedia reported Fulton County attorneys also stated 'the county has no control over its elections'.

    Below are excerpts from the motions, which can be found on tabs below in PDF format:



    With respect to Fulton County, it is an improper party because it is not the final
    policymaker with control over elections. The Elections Code states that where there is a board of
    elections, that entity acts as a superintendent and conducts elections and primaries. O.C.G.A. §§
    21-2-2(35); 21-2-70. Interpreting the Elections Code, courts have confirmed that a board
    of elections is “vested with broad powers to manage the conduct of elections on behalf of the
    state” and that the County has little management control. See Casey v. Clayton County, 2007 WL

    ...In Casey, the Court also noted that although the Clayton Commission was granted budgetary
    control in regards to its board of elections, the court questioned the true extent of the county's
    budgetary authority in light of state obligations regarding the conduct of elections.

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    David Anfinrud

    When I see a comment of we have no control over the election every alarm light goes off in my head. Who are they going to blame for any issues in any election. Can Fulton county elections ever be trusted to be honest in the future? Are they so corrupt that they let people not part of the department run the elections? Is Dominion subcontracted to do all the elections work for the County?

    Tony Bell

    A clear and undisputable admission of incompetence. Fulton County citizens, take charge and correct this problem.


    Yeah so if you have no control over the election then why are you trying to exert control over the constitutional authority given to the people of Georgia to run an audit?
    Bounce these fake ass attorneys and their petition.

    Ray at the Bay

    Aha, it's the old "I know nuffink!" defense used along with the "I vas only followink orders!" defense at the Nuremberg trials by senior Nazi officials at the end of World War II. Perhaps the same outcome might be appropriate for these Fulton County officials who obstructed all audit attempts while claiming to be blind to elections that just seem to mysteriously happen on their watch. No wonder they hired white-collar criminal attorneys to represent them.


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