• Undercover Journalists For Project Veritas EXPOSE ILLEGAL Electioneering In NYC Mayoral Race

    June 28, 2021
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    Undercover Journalists for Project Veritas EXPOSE ILLEGAL Electioneering in NYC Mayoral Race – County Interpreter Fired Within Hours: ‘I'm Going with the Latina [Dianne Morales] ... I Would Suggest That [But] I'm Not Supposed To’

    Undercover journalists with Project Veritas discovered electioneering – the act of attempting to sway the opinion of a voter on Election Day while within 100 feet of a polling station – last week, during the Democratic Primary for New York City’s Mayoral contest. 

    New York State Election Law 17-130(4) prohibits “[e]lectioneer[ing] on Election Day or on days of registration within one hundred feet, as defined herein, from a polling place.”

    New York State Election Law 17-126(1) and (2) prohibits an “election officer” from revealing “to another person the name of any candidate for whom a voter has voted” or even communicating “his opinion, belief or impression as to how or for whom a voter has voted.”

    Not only does Veritas’ investigation show two polling station workers seemingly breaking State law, but it may also have resulted in the firing of one of them -- Rafael Rivera -- A County Interpreter who told one of our journalists to vote for Dianne Morales for Mayor, while at a polling station located at 319 Stanhope Street, in Brooklyn, NY

    Rivera is quoted as saying, “[Eric] Adams is a person who is chairman of the board and hasn’t done anything about all that is going on. You know. I’m going with the Latina. I’m conservative but she has all the five points. Demolished Eric [Adams] too at the debate. She demolished him there. When she told him he was president and he hasn’t done anything for the borough, for Brooklyn.” 

    He continued: “I would suggest that I’m not supposed to. But under the understanding that she [Dianne Morales] has the views of the conservatives.”  

    Hours after this occurred, Bushwick Polling Coordinator Christina Tejeda informed one of Project Veritas’ journalists that Rivera had been terminated from his interpreter position at 2:31pm that same day. 

    During a separate incident at a Washington Heights polling location at 99 Ft Washington Ave, New York, NY – an undercover Veritas journalist captured footage of Info Clerk and Poll Worker Latishia Norman, who may have also violated multiple electioneering laws through her actions regarding the city’s Mayoral race. 

    Norman suggested Eric Adams as a potential candidate to the Veritas reporter and said her brother had worked on Adams’ campaign. She also admits to giving an “opinion,” to our undercover journalist despite knowing that she is “not supposed to” converse with voters about certain things. 

    Both tapes were filmed on June 22nd, the official primary date for NYC Democrats in the Mayoral race. 

    Project Veritas reached out to the State Attorney General's office, the Brooklyn DA's Public Integrity Line, The New York City Board of Elections and the U.S. Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York but have yet to receive a response to the multiple requests for comment.


    [NEW YORK – June 28, 2021] Undercover journalists working for Project Veritas have discovered potential acts of electioneering -- attempts to sway the decision of voters on Election Day within 100 feet of the polling station – in the Democratic primary for the Mayoral race in New York City.  

    Two polling station workers, Rafael Rivera and Latishia Norman, were caught on tape appearing to violate state law by offering their opinions and personal views regarding specific candidates who were on the ballot for Mayor.
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    Rivera recommended Dianne Morales to a Veritas undercover journalist, while working at a Brooklyn polling station -- and he also made the case against frontrunner Eric Adams. This all came before Rivera admitted he isn’t supposed to share personal views with the voters. 

    “[Eric] Adams is a person who is chairman of the board and hasn’t done anything about all that is going on. You know. I’m going with the Latina,” he said. “I’m conservative but she has all the five points. Demolished Eric [Adams] too at the debate. She demolished him there. When she told him he was president and he hasn’t done anything for the borough, for Brooklyn.


    Rivera was so committed to engaging with voters, he continued offering his opinion even after our journalist directly asked him who they should vote for.  


    A different undercover journalist conversed with Rivera and asked who he thought they should vote for. When the Veritas reporter mentioned Morales, Rivera responded, “that’s good.”  

    Another incident of potential election violations was uncovered at a polling station in Washington Heights, New York – where a Veritas undercover journalist obtained tape of a Clerk and Poll Worker Latishia Norman, telling them she voted for Eric Adams.

    At first Norman says the ultimate choice is up to the voter, however, she then goes on to say her observations are only an “opinion” – even though she is not supposed to be sharing that opinion with any of the voters.  

    Scott A. Bradley, a poll worker who was also featured on the tape, confirmed the fact that poll workers are not allowed to share advice whatsoever on which candidates voters should cast ballots for.  


    Following these events, a Project Veritas journalist confronted Christina Tejada who serves as the Site Coordinator in Bushwick, Brooklyn. 

    When asked about Rivera’s behavior, Tejada quickly said he’d already been terminated from his post earlier in the day as a result of reports detailing his potentially illegal actions. 


    As soon as I found out an everything else, he was let go at 2:31,” Tejada told Veritas. “He hasn’t been back in the building.” 

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