• Assassinated Haitian President Resisted Beijing

    July 7, 2021
    Image by Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

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    Outgoing Prime Minister of Haiti Claude Joseph confirmed the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in the early hours of Wednesday by suspected foreign mercenaries in an “odious, inhuman, and barbaric act.”

    In addition to pressure from opposition leaders to step down, Moïse faced mounting demands from Haitian business leaders to consider establishing relations with China. Haiti is one of the few remaining nations in the world to recognize Taiwan’s sovereignty and maintain close ties to that country. Under the Communist Party’s “One China” policy, Beijing does not maintain any diplomatic relations with countries that recognize Taiwan. In an interview with Taiwan News published Wednesday, Haiti’s ambassador to Taiwan asserted that Moïse valued the bilateral relationship and had no intention of accepting lucrative Chinese loan offers to abandon Haiti’s relationship with Taiwan, reported Breitbart.

    Moïse spent much of 2021 warning that “oligarchs” were attempting a “coup” to remove him from office. In February, in the aftermath of the opposition declaring Mécène president, Moïse granted an interview to the Spanish-language newspaper El País in which he stated that he felt his government threatened by “economic groups” who, in the past, had enjoyed significant influence in prior governments. He also insisted that he would not run for reelection in 2022 and that he was not a “dictator.”

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    This has U.S, China and UN all over it. Just saying. when are people going to realize that it is time to take our world back from this tyranny?


    The only thing I see that Haiti has to offer the Chinese is a electronic spying base close to the US.

    rm p

    He died a Martyr. May the Blessed Lord Jesus reward him 🎆 - and console and guide his lived ones.❤


    It's always China or Russia. It wouldn't have anything to do with his planning to expose the Clinton Foundation's alleged fraud in 2010.

    Sallie Ann

    China owns a lot of ports in the Caribbean....but now they want their OWN country, too!!!! I thought they were behind this assassination....and now my gut feelings came true....

    Hemmingbird Wolfgang

    China's death by a thousand paper cut policy, hmmm, real subtle. Seth Rich did it!


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