• VOTERGA: GA Audit Would Reveal Other Counties Worse Than Fulton

    July 19, 2021
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    GA election integrity non-profit VoterGA.org released a statement today they were in control of information that could show audits in other GA counties would reveal election fraud in the 2020 general election cycle worse than has been discovered in Fulton County to date.

    The press release is below:

    ATLANTA GA – VoterGA announced today it has evidence election result
    discrepancies in other Georgia counties may be worse than those it presented
    for Fulton County at a VoterGA press conference Tuesday. The revelation came as
    VoterGA formalized its call for a truly independent, forensic audit of all county
    results for the November 3rd, 2020 and January 5th, 2021 elections. VoterGA first
    announced support for a statewide audit at a July 5th Woodstock Festival and Parade.

    On Tuesday, VoterGA explained how a review of newly released public documents
    led them to amend the Fulton complaint to add counts for these audit discrepancies:

    • A 60% error rate in the 1500+ batch totals for the reported audit results

    • Seven falsified tally sheets containing 850 votes for Joe Biden but 0 for
    Donald Trump and Jo Jorgenson

    • Over 4,000 ballots that were duplicated in reporting of the audit results

    • Three days of missing drop box chain of custody forms for over 5,000 ballots

    • Missing tally sheets for over 50,000 ballots that were not uploaded until
    months after the audit results were initially published

    According to VoterGA, a full statewide audit of November, 2020 and January, 2021 election results should validate voter eligibility. It must also include forensic
    authenticity, security assessments, and accuracy verification involving:

    • Physical ballots

    • Scanner/Tabulators

    • Election server image

    VoterGA further insisted that any such Georgia audit must be conducted by a truly
    independent team that has no relationship with any Georgia officials who
    conducted the elections. VoterGA flatly rejected the suggestion by House Speaker
    David Ralston to engage the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) stating the GBI:

    • Has little or no experience in forensic elections investigations

    • Was already engaged with the Secretary of State in voter investigations

    • Produces dubious findings in investigations involving government officials

    Another complaint involving the November and January elections, Daugherty v.
    Raffensperger, is expected to have its first hearing today. [Exhibits]

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    Inez O’Brien

    Biden is an idiot or at best mentally impaired. For those not living in the twilight zone, he did not win the election and is a danger to this country as president.

    Mary DeWald

    Eject, Impeach, imprison...Do something to rectify this criminal injustice!


    Fulton is crooked and DeKalb is as bad or worse


    The larger urban / metro areas in Ga are primarily democratic in nature Atlanta, Athens, Augusta, Macon, Savannah, Columbus, and Albany. All run or influenced by liberals and their cheating minions.


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