• Did Starbucks Just Call The Democratic Party Racist?

    October 24, 2022
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    Starbucks sign

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    In July 2022, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced the closure of 16 stores, saying, “this is just the beginning. There are going to be many more.” Starbucks leaders said their workers are “seeing firsthand the challenges facing our communities — personal safety, racism, lack of access to healthcare, a growing mental health crisis, rising drug use, and more,” they wrote, adding that “with stores in thousands of communities across the country, we know these challenges can, at times, play out within our stores too.” The store closings were located in 5 cities (Los Angelos – 6, Seattle – 5, Portland 2, Washington DC – 1, Philadelphia 1, Everett, Washington – 1)1. October 2022 saw announcements of further closures in New Orleans, Portland, Syracuse, and Indianapolis for the same reasons.2

    It is interesting to note which party controls the city of the affected Starbucks stores:

    City Mayor Years Party 2020 Election

    Everett, Washington Cassie Franklin 2018-Present. Democrat Biden (58%)

    Los Angelos, California Eric Garcetti 2013-Present Democrat Biden (71%)

    New Orleans, Louisiana LaToya Cantrell 2018-Present Democrat Biden (58%)

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Jim Kenney 2015-Present Democrat Biden (81%)

    Portland, Oregon Ted Wheeler 2016-Present Democrat Biden (79%)

    Seattle, Washington Bruce Harrell 2021-Present Democrat Biden (75%)

    Jenny Durkan 2017-2021 Democrat

    Washington, DC Muriel Bowser 2015-Present Democrat Biden (92%)

    Syracuse, New York Ben Walsh 2018-Present Indep* Biden (53%)

    Indianapolis, Indiana Joseph Hogsett 2016-Present Democrat Biden (63%)

    *However, in 2022, Walsh, claiming to be Independent, endorsed a Democrat from his region for Congress.

    Notable Mayor Quotes:

    Cassie Franklin (2017) “I am a strong Democrat. I am a strong social-justice Democrat.”

    Ted Wheeler (2020) “Yesterday there was a gathering [Antifa] to protest against hate and racism. A few individuals decided to use the opportunity to act out in violence and vandalize property.”

    Jenny Durkan (2020) “I applaud the City Council for taking a more deliberate and measured approach to the 2021 Seattle Police Department Budget.” [Nov 2020 Seattle cut 18% from the Seattle police budget. Seattle’s 2021 violent crime increased 20% over 2020.]

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    City leaders control the law enforcement and racial tempos of their regions. All but one of the affected mayors assumed office long before the woke movement. Their cities overwhelmingly voted blue and for the Progressive/Marxist cause. The Democrat mayors’ actions to deliberately target police and prosecution of criminals, promote illegal immigration, expand illicit drug use, promote illiteracy, and target American ethics (parents and religion) have predictably resulted in a violent disaster for cities.

    Apparently, despite appealing to the ‘woke’ community, Starbucks is indirectly calling out the city governments for their divisive, radical, racist policies. Marxist rhetoric briefs well and is fun until the anarchy unleashed affects your property and your corporate bottom line.

    Kudos to Starbucks for showing candor, although stealthily. Hopefully, more corporations will follow suit. However, they must be more direct and forthright in their condemnation of Democrats, or the party of Marxism will continue to run roughshod over public safety and corporate success.

    1 https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/19/business/starbucks-closures/index.html#:~:text=York%20CNN%20Business%20%E2%80%94-,Starbucks%20may%20not%20be%20done%20closing%20stores%20over%20safety%20concerns,going%20to%20b

    2 https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/starbucks-coffee-lawsuit/2022/10/20/id/1092740/


    John Hughes

    Emergency Physician. United States Military Academy Class of 1996. #1 graduate. 3rd Generation West Pointer. 4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. www.americandoctor.org Member of STARRS.US & MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates.
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    Diana Barahona

    Why do you blame Karl Marx for anti-white racism? Where in Marx's voluminous writings did he ever advocate dividing the working class into mutually antagonistic groups using racial hatred? It was the Masonic elites---David Rockefeller, the Rothschilds---and their Committee of 300 who came up with that idea.


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