• Rob Reiner Calls For Indictment Of Trump - Claims Trump 'Directly' Responsible For Attack On Paul Pelosi

    October 31, 2022
    Rob Reiner

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    Actor and Democrat activist, Rob Reiner has accused Donald Trump of being "100% responsible" for the recent attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) husband, Paul Pelosi, that occurred in the early hours of Friday morning.

    Reiner blames Trump's questioning of the 2020 presidential election results not only for the January 6 riots in a Tweet he posted on Friday, but he also states that the attack on Paul Pelosi "is directly related to that Lie."

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    Reiner's comments drew criticism and backlash with conservative commentator, Tim Young, saying, "The only lie I've seen is Russian collusion, that you've been spreading fro 6 years now," while professor Gad Saad posted on Twitter, "It is impossible to imagine someone this dim-witted. You are truly bewildering with all due respect of course."

    Pelosi's husband was attacked early Friday morning when an unknown assailant broke into the Speaker's home in San Francisco and attacked her husband with a hammer. The Speaker was not home at the time of the incident and San Francisco police have since identified the alleged attacker as 42-year-old David DePape. While a motive for the attack has not been provided, DePape remains in police custody.

    With the November midterms just over a week away, Republicans have been quick to point out that violent crime rates have been soaring in Democratic-led cities that have adopted soft-on-crime policies and cut funding to police departments and resources.

    Meanwhile, Democrats have yet again falsely attempted to link the attack on Pelosi to the January 6 riot and "MAGA extremists." Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" that it was a "vicious attack in which [the Speaker] has been villanized for years, and big surprise, it's gone viral, and it went violent." Klobuchar continued saying, "And I think it's very important to note, as you mentioned, that Homeland Security warning that this has been going on for years. The attacks on her and this group o fMAGA extremists who, by the way, are putting up candidates on the ballot that Donald Trump supports, have been not ending when Donald Trump left office. They have been expanding into our politics."

    President Joe Biden turned the blame on Republicans saying, "It's reported that the same chant was used by this guy they have in custody that was used on January 6thin the attack on the U.S. Capitol. I'm not making this up. This is reported. I can't guarantee it. I can tell you what's being reported. The chant was 'Where's Nancy?! Where's Nancy!? Where's Nancy!?'"

    While Democrats and Biden attempt to shift the blame to Republicans, according to a police dispatch call on Friday, Paul Pelosi referred to DePape as "a friend" during the 911 call to report the attack.

    With the midterms almost a week away, it will be interesting to see how Friday's events, and the blame assigning that has followed, will influence voters at the polls.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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    Reiner is off his meds......and rocker.

    Ads Base

    Reiner is getting 'progressively' worse as he descends into the darkness of oblivion.


    Hey Meathead, Stephen King called. He wants his craziness back.


    Wow, talk about not having a physical presence in reality, he apparently is still lost somewhere in the "Marvel Universe" fighting Thanos.

    Colt Baldwin

    The Hamster wheel in this bozo's head is rusted solid.


    Some unanswered questions.
    1. Was Meathead the one wrestling Paul for the hammer?
    2. Why did he pour a quart of lube on the hammer and exactly what was he intending to do with it?

    Phuck Biden

    Reiner is nothing but a low IQ two-bit incompetent pimp. The dishonest, immoral, lying bastard needs to be sued for millions for slander.


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