• New York's Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA) Ruled Unconstitutional

    November 9, 2022
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    Flag at a Rally Against Gun Control

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    On Monday, New York Judge, Glenn Suddaby, granted a preliminary injunction suspending several parts of the state's Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA). The ruling came as a victory for Gun Owners of America and Gun Owners Foundation which were granted a temporary restraining order against the CCIA in October but which was subsequently blocked by a federal appeals court.

    The ruling struck down some of the Act's worse provisions including the "good moral character" calsue which required applicants to disclose not only their social media accounts but also their personal relationships. Judge Suddaby ruled that the clause was in violation of not only applicants' Second Amendment rights but also their First and Fourth Amendment rights as well.

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    The ruling also struck down many "sensitive location" gun bands at places like public parks, places of worship, theaters and others. The ruling also enjoined the "restricted locations" portion of the Act that pertained to all private property. The Act made all private property a gun-free zone. In order for a concealed carry permit to legally exercise their rights under the new law, private property owners would be required to display a sign stating that guns are allowed - the opposite of signs required everywhere else in the country that notify people where concealed carry and firearms are not permitted.

    The New York ruling has sent a clear message to states that support anti-gun laws with GOA's Senior Vice President, Erich Pratt, saying, "We are excited to see Kathy Hochul finally served a plate of humble pie, and we are fully prepared to continue the fight shoudl she again attempt to disarm teh citizens of her state at a time when her party's policies are only escalating the danger that everyday citizens face."

    For a full list of the "sensitive locations" Judge Suddaby's ruling struck down see the below Tweet from Gun Owners of America.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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