• ElectionWatch 2024 - Joe And Jill Biden Deny Reality, But Americans See Reality

    February 12, 2024

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    For those journalists, who have covered Joe Biden in the US Senate since before his first run for president in 1988, as this journalist has, it is clear Joe Biden's mental acuity has spiraled downwards in recent years, but his nastiness is still on the climb out of sheer desperation. 

    His known temper and volatile timbre is astoundingly alive and well when his image and character, and that of his family members, are questioned. 

    Joe Biden's renown insecurity, which was demonstrated when he was caught for plagiarism and lying during the 1988 presidential campaign, which led to him ending his campaign then, was demonstrated during his press conference last Thursday. 

    That White House conference with questions from the press corps was scheduled in response to the release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s handling of top-secret classified documents while he was in office and after he left office as Obama's vice-president. 

    Biden was defiant and angry and even snapped before reporters asked the first question and the president further lost his composure the longer the press conference continued. 

    By Saturday, the Biden camp turned their so-called victimization into a political football. 

    First Lady Jill Biden sent out a fundraiser letter to donors and morphed Biden's victimization into a donors' financial panhandling letter.

    Now, we learn that Joe Biden has been blaming not only Hur, but Hur's boss, Attorney General Merrick Garland. 

    Special counsel Robert Hur characterized the president as a "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" in his report and noted that Joe Biden could not remember the date of his son's death or when he was vice-president.

    The report reads that Joe Biden "willfully" retained classified documents, but he would not be charged because he is unlikely to be convicted due to his "poor memory," among other things, as CDM earlier reported

    “How the hell dare he ask,” snapped the president defiantly referring to Hur, who approved the report, near the top of his press conference.

    American voters have now weighed in on their opinion of Joe Biden running for re-election.

    In the last days since Hur’s report was released a new poll has found that 86% of Americans now believe that President Joe Biden is too old for another term in the White House. 

    Of that 86%, 59% of those Americans said both Biden and former President Donald Trump are too old for another term as commander-in-chief.

    An additional 27% of respondents said just Biden is too old while 3% said just Trump is too old.

    About one in ten Americans, 11%, said neither presidential candidate is too old. 

    This poll was conducted February 9 -10 and has a 4.5% margin of error. 

    But, it is not just the public weighing on this matter, but leading democratic operatives and some even within the White House Biden camp, who spoke only when granted anonymity. 

    Long-time democratic operative and Clinton advisor, Jim Carville, has been claiming alot of democrats are concerned about Biden’s age and that issue is not going away. 

    Paul Begala, a Washington inside, said he slept like a baby and wet his bed after Biden's response to Hur's report at his press conference. 
    "This is terrible for Democrats," said Begala. 

    David Axelrod, who is in the Obama camp, has raised the issue of Biden’s age in the past and weighed in after Biden’s Thursday night press conference calling the meme becomes the public perception. 

    Even Hillary Clinton could not contain herself, but had a different spin as to how Biden should respond - lean into aged wisdom calling age.

    This is the same woman as First Lady, who went on the NBC's TODAY show set following the 1998 explosive story of her husband - the then President of the United States - engaged in a personal relationship with an early twenties something White House intern. That day, Hillary Clinton denied the veracity of the story and literally  blamed her husband's well-known "catting around" with women other than his wife on right-wingers - those she later called "deplorables" during her 2016 presidential race against former President Donald Trump. 

    That judgement call was later proven wrong when Monica Lewinsky's Bill Clinton semem-stained dress turned up as evidence in the Starr investigation. 

    But, the most telling reporting was Politico’s on Sunday. Joe Biden has been offering his opinions about Attorney Merrick Garland to staff and donors that sound not so “hands-offish” when it comes to investigations about him or his family. 

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    Behind closed doors Biden has been critical which seems 180 degrees different when the president first announced the appointment of Garland as his choice for the highest law enforcement position in the country - Attorney General. 

    “Your loyalty is not to me,” Biden said. “You won’t work for me. You are not the president or the vice president’s lawyer,” the president said at the time of Garland’s appointment. 

    But, now that AG Garland did not trim back Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report suggesting that Biden was guilty of mishandling classified documents, but too old to be charged, the dam of silence at the Biden White House is breaking, and Joe Biden's criticism of Garland certainly seem very personal.  

    Referring to the Biden sources, Politico reported, “And they put part of the blame on Garland, who they say should have demanded edits to Hur’s report, including around the descriptions of Biden’s faltering memory,” the article reads.

    According to Politico, Joe Biden has been upset with Garland for a long time. 

    “This has been building for a while,” said one of those people. “No one is happy. Frustration within the White House at Garland has been growing steadily," reads the Politico article. 

    The president is mad that former President Trump was not criminally charged earlier. He is upset that the criminal case into Hunter has taken so long and may serve as a catalyst for Hunter Biden’s addiction to re-surface. 

    “Last year, Biden privately denounced how long the probe into his son was taking, telling aides and outside allies that he believed the stress could send Hunter Biden spiraling back into addiction, according to the same two people. And the elder Biden, the people said, told those confidants that Garland should not have eventually empowered a special counsel to look into his son, believing that he again was caving to outside pressure,” reports Politico. “In recent weeks, President Biden has grumbled to aides and advisers that had Garland moved sooner in his investigation into former President Donald Trump’s election interference, a trial may already be underway or even have concluded, according to two people granted anonymity to discuss private matters,” further reports Politico. 

    Even a Biden donor weighed in anonymously calling Merrick Garland by a name that obviously refers to how Joe Biden actually feels about the Attorney General. 

    “There’s no question in my mind that the villain here is Merrick Garland,” reported Politico. 

    The bottom line - Joe Biden is old. We are all witnessing his failing memory.

    What has not changed is that Joe Biden still has a nasty temper and hates having his or his family's integrity questioned even though those of us who have covered his political life for decades know - he was exposed for plagiarism and his nasty temper with voters during his 1988 presidential race. 

    Somethings never change.



    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Guilty! China Joe stole classified documents when he was a Senator and a Vice President ( FACT ). He shared them with a ghost writer in 2017. If you are saying Trump should be charged then China Joe is Guilty as heck! Drop the charges against Trump or Hang China Joe! No excuses Merrick Garland!.


    The Bidens live in a crime buble, therefore, can't see reality.

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