CCP Launched The Virus Because They Are Dying, Had No Choice If To Remain In Power

I find it humorous the coordinated, across-the-board narrative being spun by the media who are gleefully accepting and promoting the new 'consensus' that the Chinese coronavirus was from an 'accident' at the Wuhan lab and 'not genetically modified' and 'not intentionally released'. I've heard this from so many media sources in the exact same phraseology recently it makes me laugh. They really do think we are dumb. Brett Baier says it every chance he gets.

Sure, the virus was not 'intentionally released' right before the 2020 presidential election, and not 'intentionally released' right after the failed Russia hoax and failed impeachment sham. It was not 'intentionally released' a couple weeks after Bill Gates' Event 201 which war-gamed a global coronavirus pandemic. If you believe that, I've got some ocean front property in Wuhan to sell you.

There are a couple possible reasons for this cuckery I suppose. The first is, Donald Trump knows full well what the virus is -- a bioweapon and an act of war, but if he confirms this to the American public, we are in WWIII. No one wants this and I can understand this decision. However, the Chinese Communist Party MUST face consequences...and must be pushed from power, for the good of the world.

The other possibility is the CCP is pushing this narrative into their bought-and-paid-for American media enablers and their paid-for members of the Democratic Party. China doesn't want the truth to come out. That much is obvious. They are slow walking the information out, trying to contain the damage.

The real truth probably contains a little of both of the above.

The Chinese Communist Party is dying. The process started when Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States of America, and the globalist (meaning communist) agenda began to die.

All of this is crystal clear. China engineered the 'free trade' mantra for the last three decaces, gained entry into the WTO during the compliant Bush 43 presidency, and simply bought American companies and their technology with the fantasy of having access to the 'Chinese market'. A billion people! Of course they wanted in. As the charade played out, they dumped products on American soil and starved American manufacturing. It was a snowball effect which ended up with the U.S. not being able to make anything, including its own medicine.

Trump is a clear and present danger to the model. And, they know it. This is why they want him gone. This is why the Chinese-controlled American media is pushing Beijing's narrative. I mean really, socialist is just communist lite. And liberals love nothing but socialism and the totalitarianism it eventually brings. Just look at Democratic governors and their 'lockdowns' to see obvious evidence of this.

But, America and the West have become 'woke' to China's diabolical treachery.

China builds massive cities already that are uninhabited just to keep the population working. The Trump tariffs looked to put so much pressure on this failed model that the CCP leadership knew civil unrest was soon to follow.

They simply could not let this happen...hence the pandemic, and the American lockdowns promoted by their media lackeys.

No one wants a war. However, it may come to that, and America needs to face this reality, just as we had to be pulled kicking and screaming into WWIII to face the evil of Nazi Germany.

The Chinese Communist Party is no less evil. They have over one million of their own citizens in concentration camps. They slice open political prisoners alive to harvest their organs. They welded their own citizen's doors shut in Wuhan and starved them to death. They infected the world intentionally with the virus. They are blackmailing the world with medical supplies.

Yes, the virus was released intentionally. Yes, it is genetically modified. It is not found in nature. Yes, our intelligence agencies know this.

And yes, Chinese Communist Party rule is dying. The problem is, it will not go quietly, and we should expect more pain inflicted upon the world as it is forced from power.

That is why they shut down our economy. The want us weak, so they can make their move, like an evil dragon backed into a corner.