Milley And Esper Have The Al Haig Disease - 'I'm In Charge Here'

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (note the word staff, these are not line officers with command authority) Army General Mark Milley, has once again jumped out in front of the President of the United States with his own political views. He has once again directly contradicted our Commander-in-Chief with his comments on the need to rename military bases named after Confederate generals.
Trump has made it very clear this would not happen on his watch.
“The American Civil War was fought and it was an act of rebellion, it was an act of treason at the time, against the Union, against the Stars and Stripes, against the U.S. Constitution, and those officers turned their backs on their oaths,” Army Gen. Mark Milley told a House Armed Services Committee hearing, reported Market Watch.
Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, noted that some see it differently. “Some think it’s heritage. Others think it’s hate.”
“For those young soldiers that go onto a base — a Fort Hood, a Fort Bragg or a fort wherever named after a Confederate general — they can be reminded that that general fought for the institution of slavery that may have enslaved one of their ancestors,” Milley said.
What Milley won't tell you is that the bases were named after Southern general officers in order to heal the wounds inside the American military, which had just torn itself in two in a 4 year long brutal civil war. Naming the bases was meant to salve these open wounds and were a symbol of American unity.
99.9% of the Southern troops never owned slaves, and were simply fighting for their homes in the 'War of Northern Aggression'.
Milley knows this, but he is simply parroting the globalist narrative, serving his masters other than the President.
Milley needs to go. He needs to be removed immediately and forced to retire.
The President can no longer trust him, and a President has to be able to trust his military advisors. Milley has made this impossible.
[…] Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Mark Milley Needs To Go, POTUS Can No Longer Trust Him […]
He should have those shoulder patches and all his decorations stripped. He no better than Johnny CURRY!!
Since Bill Clinton and Obama only promoted officers to flag or field rank if they were Democrats an old fashioned purge is in order.
He should have those shoulder patches and all his decorations stripped. He's no better than Johnny CURRY!!
Get rid of the POS.
Another obama general kisses negro a$$.
[…] Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Mark Milley Needs To Go, POTUS Can No Longer Trust Him […]
[…] Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Mark Milley Needs To Go, POTUS Can No Longer Trust Him […]
[…] Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Mark Milley Needs To Go, POTUS Can No Longer Trust Him […]
[…] Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Mark Milley Needs To Go, POTUS Can No Longer Trust Him […]
[…] Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Mark Milley Needs To Go, POTUS Can No Longer Trust Him […]
Agree, LTG Milley cannot be trusted! President Trump needs to review all the Generals and Flag Officers who were fired by OBama and consider offering to bring them back to Active Duty!
[…] Joint Chiefs Chairman Army General Mark Milley Needs To Go, POTUS Can No Longer Trust Him […]
If y'all remember, Obama fired around 200 generals within the first couple of years of his administrations. The message was clear, "my way or the highway". Those generals that Trump has been dealing with, are the ones that survived the Obama purge, and learned to "go along to get along". They still take orders from their handlers. Clean house Trump and and advance some "new generals" who put America first, not optics ad PR.