• China's Organ Harvesting Is Real

    November 19, 2020

    China has been harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience, like Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghurs for years. It's a crime against humanity that should change US China relations forever. But sadly, media silence has helped the Chinese Communist Party carrying on forced organ harvesting for years. But thanks to the work of researchers like Ethan Gutmann, David Kilgour, and David Matas, as well as the China Tribunal led by Sir Geoffrey Nice, organ harvesting in China is being brought to light. This twisted aspect of the China economy must be stopped, writes China Uncensored.

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    I find the humor in this report to be atrocious. I guess you have to have some humor in it to keep your viewers or to show what a glib, amusing party guest you are? I think it is a serious subject, an appalling subject, something that would make you feel ashamed to have to tell people it is a true story. I guess I am just an old softie huh? I hope if I ever lose the ability to empathize with the suffering of slaves and prisoners, it is because I am dead. As obviously you are....inside I mean. I really want to say more to you, but it really is a waste of time, I think, you being dead and all.

    Gregory Hauenstein

    Since the money that China makes from any product sold to the west can be reallocated to organ harvesting, ANY CCP product is in effect funding and promoting murder and organ harvesting. THEREFOR the US government should require every product made in China to carry a warning lable, in addition to “made in China” should also state” money paid to to the CCP will also support organ harvesting which requires state sanctioned murder of the donors”. At least then the buyers can better appreciate what their purchase is connected too!

    Al ZABEL

    Sounds like the liberal death authority, Planned Parenthood.

    Al ZABEL

    David: I have to wonder if your outrage is at least equal top what happens at Planned Parenthood and those that support them.
    After all, killing the most innocent and vulnerable, should have some attention, one would think.


    Is America the moral authority for the world? Perverted Pedo Democrats telling the rest of the world what is right. Killing babies at the time of birth? Leave China alone until we clean up our own house.


    David, Thank you for your public display of virtue. You are obviously a better person than the rest of us and we are honored to be on the same forum with such a morally superior person. Once again, thank you for honoring us with your presence here.


    The cry of the innocent sacrificial lamb fills the universe. Are you listening? Are we listening?


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