• The Author's Bookshelf - Dr. Johnny Teague, Author of The Lost Diary of Anne Frank

    October 2, 2022

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    American Conversations Host Christine Dolan interviews Dr. Johnny Teague, author of The Lost Diary of Anne Frank, a riveting book based upon historical research. Where the real diary of Anne Frank stops, The Lost Diary of Anne Frank picks up. This is a brilliant page-turning that readers will not be able to put down. An extraordinary concept by an exceptional writer that grasps the emotion as if Anne Frank wrote it.

    This interview is part of a series on Authors...found here.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Johanna van Zanten

    Fancy how Johnny Teague was affected by his visit to a concentration camp and put his beliefs and emotions into his novel. He commodified the history of Anne into $$. He didn't study enough and didn't talk with the people closest to this story: the Jewish community, in Amsterdam, and anywhere. His reasonings to make her into a girl that sounds like an American evangelist are false and untrue, e.g. Anne talked about God ten times in the whole novel but in Teague's 13x pp1-50.


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