They Nicknamed Him 'American Gangster'...How Joe Biden Reportedly Oversaw The Laundering Of $4 Billion Of American Aid To Ukraine
Vice President Biden Stands With Ukrainian President Poroshenko Before Their Bilateral Meeting in Davos 

There is a reason the Ukrainians nicknamed former Vice President Joe Biden...the American Gangster.

Then Vice President Biden was appointed by President Obama to oversee the distribution of American/IMF aid money to Ukraine and to reign in corruption.

He did the opposite.

Yesterday, a little-known former Ukrainian member of parliament (MP) David Zhvania, who was intimately involved with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in their rise to power, described in a video release how the Poroshenko team reached the presidency in Ukraine, only to strip the nation of its wealth and move it offshore, essentially the same thing Ukrainian President Viktor Yanykovych did before them, gold toilets, loaves of bread and all.

You can watch the video from Zhvania below, although he speaks in Ukrainian.

Local media reported on the incident in English.

The former Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada David Zhvania accused the fifth President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in getting corrupt by more than three billion US dollars during his stay in power. A video exposing it was published in YouTube. According to a former ally of Poroshenko [David Zhvania], the funds were removed in the offshore, reported The Hand of Moscow.

Zhvania also said that in 2014, a senior European official was handed a bribe in the amount of five million Euro for the EU support of the candidacy of Poroshenko in the presidential election.

“I and Klimkin (note: Klimkin later became the foreign minister) directly participated in the transfer of 5 million euros through the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany for one high-ranking European official at that time in order to ensure support for Poroshenko as a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine from the EU. I am ready to provide the circumstances of this to the investigating authorities,” Zhvania claimed, reported 112 UA.

He also claims that Poroshenko became president as a result of the consensus of the oligarchs. Moreover, Poroshenko allegedly took on certain obligations to them, which in most cases he fulfilled.

“During his time in power, Poroshenko received about 4 billion dollars through corruption,” his former associate assures.

You may miss the significance of this release if you don't put all the pieces together. In fact, the incident could just be written off as local Ukrainian politics.

But it is not. The incident has global implications and sheds light on any possible future Biden presidency.

"We nicknamed him American Gangster, declared a Ukrainian source to CDMedia. "He was so open, arrogant and pushy about the corruption and theft".

Consider this all happened under the administration of Barack Obama. Joe Biden was his point man to Ukraine, distributing billions in dollars in aid. It happened under the watch of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In fact, the Poroshenko presidency was the baby of the Obama administration, and probably gave Russian President Putin an excuse to annex the Crimean Peninsula, and the Donbass region of East Ukraine after the Maidan revolution, all coordinated by the Clinton State Department.

CDMedia has reported extensively on Biden family organized crime in Ukraine. We have posted documents and proof that millions of dollars in bribes were wired to Biden family-controlled accounts.

We have published audio tapes of Biden and Poroshenko laughing about colluding against President Trump during the 2016 presidential election, and detailing organized criminal activities, like firing General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin for investigating Biden's son.

We have reported how the American embassy in Kyiv under the watch of then Ambassador Marie Yovanovich prevented upwards of $40 billion stolen by Yanykovych from returning to Ukraine.

You can read all of our investigative coverage on Ukraine here.

We have also reported on the extensive money laundering of President Poroshenko during the Obama years with a trading scheme through the Bank of Ukraine [central bank].

CDMedia is doing the heavy lifting on DNC corruption in Ukraine! We need your help! Please donate what you can to put investigators in the field!

The Obama administration had to have known what was going on. Tens of billions of American/IMF aid money was routed to Ukraine, and much of it disappeared.

Billions of dollars were stolen and moved offshore. Joe Biden oversaw all of this.

One can only wonder who took bites of that vast amount of money.

Now you know why Biden forced Ukrainian General Prosecutor Shokin to be fired as he attempted to investigate payments from the gas company Burisma to Hunter Biden. The Soros-controlled National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) ended all investigations into Burisma and Biden's actions regarding Shokin.

Now you know why the Democrats are so desperate to force Donald Trump from office.

The great big stinking Ukrainian laundromat of money laundering and theft to the tune of tens of billions of dollars is staring them right in the face. If Trump is re-elected, there will be criminal consequences.

Ukraine was a cess pool of DNC/Obama/Biden/Clinton organized crime; they all got filthy rich.

And Joe Biden oversaw it all.