• Silicon Valley Comes After CDMedia...Two Months Before Election...For Reporting On Biden Corrupt Dealings In Ukraine

    September 11, 2020
    Silicon Valley Comes After CDMedia...Two Months Before Election...For Reporting On Biden Corrupt Dealings In Ukraine
    A map showing the level of Internet censorship and surveillance by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship and surveillance by country
    We find the map suspect, as the U.S. is definitely censored and surveilled

    Within a span of a few days, 5 big-tech Silicon Valley companies de-platformed, or froze funds for CDMedia. This happened within two months of the 2020 presidential election in November.

    Various reasons were given that didn't make sense, until you understand that CDMedia has been out in front of covering the Biden family's corrupt dealings in Ukraine, and the Information Operation being conducted against the American people by the Deep State.

    Judging from the Deep State/Silicon Valley cabal's actions, we are over the target.

    CDMedia is obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!  

    First PayPal froze funds in our account for 21 days as they arrive. Obviously, this severely impacts our ability to conduct business, especially with only approximately only fifty days to the election. PayPal said our account was 'risky' when asked to explain the action.

    Then Twitter suspended 8 of our accounts, including those of staff members, and our different regional news websites. When asked to explain, Twitter declared CDMedia was disrupting people's experience on Twitter. We have gotten one account back up and running.

    CJ Affiliate, a large affiliate advertising provider, simply cancelled our account without explanation.

    Patreon froze our funds, but later released them.

    Stripe, a large and important online credit card transaction service, cancelled our account with no explanation.

    All of this happened within a few days of each other, and after months of Biden corruption coverage. However, it happened within days of reporting on the Information Operation being conducted on the American people by the Deep State and allied defense contractors.

    You can read all of our investigative work here. There are over 60 articles on the above subjects since November.

    Here is a sampling of our recent coverage...

    BREAKING: Deep State US Agency Sanctions Ukrainian Releasing Audio Evidence Of Biden Criminal Activity

    Here Is The Information Operation Technology Illegally Being Used Against America By Obama Deep State…To Control Your Every Move

    CDMedia depends on readers to support our reporting. Please donate what you can as we approach November, and we'll keep doing the heavy lifting.


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    CDM Staff

    The mission at Creative Destruction Media is to be the catalyst for the "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
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    […] and reporting on DNC/Deep State/State Department/Biden criminal behavior in Ukraine since 2014, CDMedia was de-platformed across 5 Silicon Valley companies within a few days. These included Twitter, PayPal, Stripe, CJ Affiliate, and […]

    […] and reporting on DNC/Deep State/State Department/Biden criminal behavior in Ukraine since 2014, CDMedia was de-platformed across 5 Silicon Valley companies within a few days. These included Twitter, PayPal, Stripe, CJ Affiliate, and […]


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