• FLASHBACK: Deep State Assures Star Witness Against Hunter Biden Stays In Jail In Germany Without Bond During Impeachment

    June 1, 2022
    Ukrainian Oligarch Heading To US To Testify On Biden Corruption Arrested For Soros-Controlled NABU In Germany

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    In November of this year Ukrainian oligarch Aleksandr Onyshchenko provided information to CD Media regarding large amounts of illegal funds transferred between the Burisma group of companies and Hunter Biden, the son of Vice President Joe Biden, and the center of the impeachment drama currently playing out in Washington, D.C.

    Onyshchenko described millions in 'off the books' payments to the Biden family while VP Biden was handling the distribution of American aid to Ukraine under the Obama administration.

    CD Media met with Onyshchenko in Dusseldorf, Germany where he claimed 'bags full of cash' were given to the Clinton campaign illegally during the 2016 election. He also provided information at the time alleging VP Biden prevented him from traveling to the U.S. to testify to the U.S. Department of Justice in 2016. Onyshchenko also disclosed how the FBI pressured him not to talk about the Biden issue in public.

    Onyshchenko also disclosed how in addition to weekly payments from Burisma of $85k, companies controlled by the Biden family were given $12M in payments which were not disclosed. He offered to inform the U.S. Justice Department of the details of these payments. Onyshchenko provided CD Media with a term sheet of the indicated transaction from the sale of a port in Ukraine from which funds were siphoned off.

    Onyshchenko was arrested in Germany while attempting to travel to the United States on Nov 29. He has been under investigation in Ukraine for corruption allegations which he calls politically motivated. Onyshchenko publicly disclosed audio tapes of corruption involving then Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko in 2015 and had to flee the country as a result. Poroshenko is believed to be in the 'Deep State' camp and complicit in large scale money laundering according to CD Media's intelligence sources in Ukraine.

    You can read all of CD Media's investigative reports on Ukraine and Biden corruption here.

    Today press reports indicate Onyshchenko was denied bail in Germany since his arrest in November and will spend the holidays in a prison cell. This time just happens to coincide with the impeachment hearings going on in D.C.

    Onyshchenko told CD Media he was attempting to travel to the United States to testify against the Biden family. His visa application is above to the U.S. embassy in Hungary.

    Intelligence sources tell CD Media that Onyshchenko was denied bail precisely for that reason by the Deep State-controlled National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, who's head was recently found to be actively colluding with the Clinton campaign against Trump during the 2016 election.

    “The German court, in the framework of the extradition case at the request of NABU of the People’s Deputy of the 8th convocation Alexander Onishchenko, chose a preventive measure of two months in custody without any bail. It seems that Alexander Onishchenko will spend the Christmas and New Year’s holidays in a German prison,” - wrote Mosiychuk, reported OBOZREVATEL, a Ukrainian media outlet.


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    Big Tim

    What is the legal status of Biden, Heinz buddy and former fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer? Last thing I can find is April 2, 2019. Whole thing being swept under rug? Archer walking instead of spending 10 years in prison? https://turtletalk.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/federal-brief-in-us-v-archer.pdf

    […] Deep State Assures Star Witness Against Hunter Biden Stays In Jail In Germany Without Bond During Im… […]


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