• Trump Administration Accuses China Of 'Seeding' Virus In West With Air Travelers

    May 17, 2020

    Action Amounts To 'Act Of War'

    Trump Administration Accuses China Of 'Seeding' Virus In West With Air Travelers
    White House trade adviser Peter Navarro

    The Trump administration is laying out its position on Chinese culpability regarding the Chinese coronavirus believed to have been released from the Wuhan bio lab. White House trade advisor Peter Navarro declared China 'seeded' the virus overseas by purposefully sending infected passengers via air travel to target nations.

    If you haven't realized, this is biological warfare, an act of war. CDMedia wrote about this unfortunate reality in recent weeks.

    “The virus was spawned in Wuhan province, patient zero was in November,” White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said on ABC’s “This Week," reported Bloomberg.

    “The Chinese, behind the shield of the World Health Organization, for two months hid the virus from the world and then sent hundreds of thousands of Chinese on aircraft to Milan, New York and around the world to seed that.”

    “They could have kept it in Wuhan...Instead, it became a pandemic. That’s why I say the Chinese did that to Americans and they are responsible.”

    President Trump recently said he doesn't think the virus was intentionally released,. “I think more likely it got out of control,” he said.

    POTUS may be reluctant to call the release intentional because that would require an even greater America response, possibly even militarily.

    In any event, Secretary of State Pompeo has made it very clear the U.S. would 'hold China accountable' for its actions in the aftermath of the outbreak.


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    I've thought this since I saw the Covid infection map at the beginning of April. It looked like it had been spread, not that it was spreading. It was like one of those times you see a pattern in something but can't really figure out why. After reading how they lied (and continue to lie) and covered it up, it makes more sense.


    Everyone with a functioning brain understands this was intentionally done by the Chinese Communist Party. They committed acts of war for which they must be removed from power, by force.


    Wow!! I posted the same thing when this started - duffdad • 2 months ago
    When are people going to wake up and realize this is a biological terror attack on the world!!! The Chinese knew the capabilities of the virus and had ample time to dispatch their minions throughout the world!! Radical Islam uses suicide vests, China used minions with a biological agent in the same way, but with much more carnage delivered!!!

    If the world is too cowardly to deal with China militarily, then we must bring them down to zero economically and render all debt owed to China null and void, in order to rightfully recompense the devastating damages!! This requires world participation!!! Vietnam Vet/Military Retiree


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