• Illegitimate Biden Threatens Georgia...Sounds Like A Dictator

    April 7, 2021
    President Biden's Son Admits He's Working For The Chinese Communist party

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    President Biden said that Georgia needs to "smarten up" to avoid businesses leaving the state over its new voting legislation. 

    "It is reassuring to see that for-profit operations and businesses are speaking up about how these new Jim Crow laws that are just antithetical to who we are," the president told reporters Tuesday. 

    "There's another side to it too. When they in fact move out of Georgia, people who need help most, people who are making hourly wages, sometimes get hurt the most," Biden said...

    To read more visit Fox News.

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    The ORIGINATORS of Jim Crow, The creators of the KKK, the creators of welfare slavery. Yet Black Americans vote for their en slavers to again make us all poor and starving slaves...do they have NO SOULS??????

    Eileen Kuch

    SickofCommies, of course, the originators of Jim Crow, the creators of the KKK, the creators of welfare slavery - Yet Black Americans vote for their slavers to again make us all poor and starving slaves .. do they have no souls??? Excellent question.


    Start new businesses. Invite business to fill the vacuum that isn't Great Insult aligned.


    What a moral rock. His child sniffing and groping is no doubt merely the surface of the man. His son likes to treat ten year old Chinese girls to his sex tool. Embezzlement, graft, hypocrisy. Sacrilege against the Constitution. What a family of champions in both the moral and political domains.


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