• BREAKING: Top GA Officials Will Explain Why They Bought Unverifiable Voting System That Violates Georgia Law

    September 16, 2021
    Image by The Crowd

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    As petitioners from Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VoterGA) go back to court next Monday, September 20th seeking a Fulton County ballot inspection, another VoterGA election petition will require a legal response at the end of that week from the top Georgia officials. Governor Brian Kemp, Secretary of State (SOS) Brad Raffensperger and Attorney General Chris Carr will be required to explain why the state bought an unverifiable voting system that a federal court found in violation of Georgia laws.

    In late August, VoterGA and State Rep. Philip Singleton filed a legal petition against the State of Georgia to immediatelyand permanently ban the Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 Ballot Marking Device (BMD) system from the state. Georgia’s Democracy Suite 5.5A (GA) system accumulates votes hidden in QR (Quick Response) codes that cannot be read by the voters and are thus unverifiable to them. Kemp, Raffensperger and Carr have now been served as shown on the docket and are required to respond to the petition by the end of next week.

    Georgia law requires a voting system to “…print an elector verifiable paper ballot” and to “…produce paper ballots which are marked with the elector’s choices in a format readable by the elector. A federal court has already found that Georgia electors instead “…vote on a system that does none of those things. Thus, any use of the system violates two Georgia statutes. [O.C.G.A. § 21-2-2(7.1); O.C.G.A. § 21-2-300(a)(2)]

    That conclusion did not originate with VoterGA or Rep. Singleton. It came directly from the U.S. District Court of Northern Georgia in an October 11, 2020 Order for the case known as Curling v. Raffensperger. In making that notable conclusion, Judge Amy Totenberg reviewed what may be the most extensive compilation of evidence ever presented in a Georgia election case. The conclusion is on Page 81 of the October 11, 2020 Order. Judge Totenberg begins by explaining the related Georgia laws:

    “Georgia’s Election Code mandates the use of the BMD system as the uniform mode of voting for all in-person voters in federal and statewide elections. The statutory provisions mandate voting on electronic ballot markers that: 

    (1) use electronic technology to independently and privately mark a paper ballot at the direction of an elector, interpret ballot selections, communicate such interpretation for elector verification, and print an elector verifiable paper ballot; and

    (2) produce paper ballots which are marked with the elector’s choices in a format readable by the elector.”

    She then found: “Plaintiffs and other voters who wish to vote in-person are required to vote on a system that does none of those things.

    Judge Totenberg further outlined the supporting evidence: 

    “Rather, the evidence shows that the Dominion BMD system does not produce a voter-verifiable paper ballot or a paper ballot marked with the voter’s choices in a format readable by the voter because the votes are tabulated solely from the unreadable QR code. Thus, under Georgia’s mandatory voting system for voting at the polls voters must cast a BMD generated ballot tabulated using a computer-generated barcode that has the potential to contain information regarding their voter choices that does not match what they enter on the BMD (as reflected in the written text summary), or could cause a precinct scanner to improperly tabulate their votes.”

    The court published these conclusions just three weeks before the general election. That November 3rd 2020 election, now the most controversial in Georgia history, was conducted on a voting system that had already been found to violate Georgia laws.

    Although the case is still active, Judge Totenberg has yet to order relief.  Thus, VoterGA and Rep. Singleton will press the Fulton County Superior Court for that relief. Either court could  now order the relief that many Georgians are seeking. That is to permanently ban the Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5 system from further use in Georgia.

    If that relief sounds improbable, consider similar relief has already been granted before in Georgia during 2019. ThenJudge Totenberg banned the paperless Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) system Georgia used largely on the same grounds that are before the courts now: unverifiability. Her August 15, 2019 Order, the first of two scathing 150-page rulings, was an indictment of the SOS office that she found not credible.” 

    That conclusion came after the SOS office erased election data on the central election server in the Center for Election Systems at Kennesaw State University in 2017. After being informed their server was breeched, the office under former SOS Brian Kemp did not investigate the breech and mitigate the risk but instead, erased the server data and then claimed that was standard procedure in a superficial two-page summary. A VoterGA audit report exposes the cover-up involving that incident and on Page 70 of her 2019 order Judge Totenberg reaches a  conclusion similar to the VoterGA report:

    “Given the entire course of events described here, the Defendants’ contention that the servers were simply repurposed and not intentionally destroyed or wiped is flatly not credible.

    The credibility of the SOS office is now being severely challenged again especially since the petition identifies a variety of forewarnings the office had about unverifiable voting systems: 

    • VoterGA recommendations to the Secure, Accurate, Fair Election Commission (SAFE) warned that any new system must tabulate human readable vote marks that can be verified by the voter;
    • Many citizens testified for hand marked paper ballots and voter verifiability before the Safe Commission and hearings for HB316, the bill that created the November, 2020 election disaster;
    • VoterGA co-founder Garland Favorito and Madison Forum President Michael Opitz warned Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger about the unverifiability of QR coded voting systems when he was a runoff candidate in 2018.

    Raffensperger did not heed the warnings and purchased the Dominion system for over $100 million in 2019.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here! 


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    John Acord

    Look no further than Raffi or someone close to him who came into a large amount of loot. Same for OldJack Sellers in Maripoca County.

    Mike Gilmer

    The Why is simple. The PTB in the GOP wanted to get rid of Trump at all costs.


    Will raffensperger be made to personally compensate the state of Georgia for knowingly violating Georgia law by purchasing this equipment?
    Will those others responsible for the purchase of this equipment be made to pay for the audit and election?

    Rosetta Bulluck

    Yes that shouldn’t be above the Law They new what they were doing
    They should be held accountable for their actions and ban from office and put in jail and charged to what is the maximum cost.
    You don,t deceived the citizens of their country and doing favors for your personal benefit.

    Whitney Morgan

    All residents of GA should demand a full forensic audit of the 2020 elections. In Spalding County, the Dominion voting machines went down for an hour at about 7:10 a.m.
    I want Governor Kemp to know I have zero confidence in the illegal voting machines that were used in the 2020 elections! I'd like for him to prove to me that my vote was counted...for President Trump & that I did not vote for Pete Budigiege nor Raphael Warnock!!!!!
    Rigged, Stolen elections are unacceptable and if there's nothing to hide, there shouldn't be a problem conducting full forensic audits in every county in GA-right?

    Gardenofthe Gods

    We’ve been demanding a full forensic audit since 3 November 2020 here in GA. Everyone points to someone else! Kemp says it’s up to the Senate; the Senate says it’s the Governor’s job & so on. We have to primary every single person in office now & throw ALL the bums out of office!


    My GA ballot printed without the votes that I had cast. There was no vote indicated when I printed my ballot at in person voting. I took the ballot straight to the poll workers on the floor and my ballot was fed directly into the scanner. I was not given an opportunity to correct my ballot. I was told by an election supervisor at the SOS office that my vote was recorded in the QR code. I was later told by another election supervisor that only the location ... was imbedded in the QR code, not the votes that I had cast. Further, I was informed by the election supervisors that there is no way to access the QR codes that are on the ballots once you have voted/scanned. GA votes are totally unverifiable.


    The "paper ballot" printer used for in-person voting [either early or on election day] produces both a clear text representation of the votes cast [easily legible] and the non human readable QR code. It would be easy to merely run the "paper ballots" [they MUST still have ALL of them for 22 months don't they???] through an OCR system to read the clear text from the printer and record the votes that way; plus at the same time compare the clear text with the QR encoded information. You get two indisputable results, the true vote counts AND evidence of the fraud which occurred and HOW it occurred.

    I believe the use of the QR code as an "intermediary" was the easiest way for the Dominion Voting Systems to incorporate the desired fraud into the vote tabulation system while the SoS was telling the citizens that they had a system with "elector verifiable paper ballots".


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