• A Walk Down Biden Crime Family Lane In 2019/2020 Ukraine - An Overview Of Our Reporting

    June 23, 2023
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    Many don't know the yeoman's work CDMedia did in 2019/2020 on reporting on Biden Crime Family corruption, along with the U.S. State Department, in Ukraine prior to the 2020 election.

    Take a walk down memory lane in Ukraine below...

    Ukrainian MP Alleges Massive Financial Corruption At US Embassy In Kyiv And Political Coordination Against Trump In Favor Of Democrats…Provides Evidence

    BREAKING: Burisma Paid Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko $100mm To Suppress Hunter Biden Investigation in 2017, Bribed FBI agents Ignored Evidence, US Embassy In Kyiv Neck Deep In Corruption

    As CD Media Breaks Corruption News On Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, A Convoy Of Trucks Empties His Palace Of Property, Confidants Arrested, Flee

    CD Media Releasing Information On Poroshenko Money Laundering/Biden Cover Up, In Series Of Articles, With Sourcing

    Poroshenko Ukrainian Money Laundering Scheme Explained

    The Deep State Washing Of Corrupt Former Ukrainian Central Bank Chief’s Reputation To Hide Poroshenko Corruption

    Dem Favorite Ukrainian ‘Victim’ Buys $30M Flat In London On Civil Servant Salary…What?

    Detained Corrupt Poroshenko Accomplice Pays What Is Needed To Escape Ukraine

    BREAKING: Corrupt US Embassy In Kyiv Forces Ukrainian General Prosecutor To Drop Burisma, Biden Investigations

    Leftist Press Doesn’t Care About Bonfire Of State Dept Corruption In Ukraine…They Only Want To ‘Get Rudy’

    Ukrainian Privat Bank Nationalization Was About Keeping Corruption Going, Not Ending It…What Are The Dems Hiding?

    ‘Witness’ Vindman Was Given Instructions By Corrupt State Department In Ukraine

    BREAKING: Source Reveals Hunter Biden Took ‘Off The Books’ Payments From Burisma, Aided By FBI Coverup

    BREAKING: FBI Pressured Source To Not Speak To Press About Biden Corruption

    Here Are The Payments To Hunter Biden, Leaked From Ukraine

    George Soros – The God Emperor Of Ukraine

    This Is Why They Must Impeach: Ukrainian MP Says Burisma Financed Clinton Campaign With $10M Unmarked Cash, Biden Personally Prevented Money Laundering Witness From Entering USA

    Ukrainian Intelligence Sources Report Ambassador Yovanovitch Lied To Congress, Protected Russian Oligarch On Sanctions List

    BREAKING: Former Ukrainian MP Alleges Biden Family Received $12M Kickback From Transaction With Burisma Owner To Kill London Criminal Cases, Provides Details To DOJ

    Ukrainian Oligarch Heading To US To Testify On Biden Corruption Arrested By Soros-Controlled NABU In Germany

    Ukraine Fires Prosecutor Investigating Burisma And Hunter Biden, Transfers Cases To Soros-Controlled NABU For Closure

    Ukrainian Journalist Files Complaint To Force Investigation Of US Ambassador Yavanovich And Her ‘Orders’ To Ukrainian Prosecutor Lutsenko

    Deep State Assures Star Witness Against Hunter Biden Stays In Jail In Germany Without Bond During Impeachment

    OANN Is Incorrect – Artem Sytnyk Of Ukrainian NABU Found Corrupt Yes, But Parliament So Far Refuses To Fire

    Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Alleges Ambassador Yovanovich Prevented Yanukovych Stolen Billions From Returning To Ukraine

    BREAKING: The Office Of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Admits Soros Fund Pays Travel Expenses For Employees

    Ukraine Opens Investigation Into Biden Forcing Prosecutor Out

    Imprisoned Ukrainian Oligarch Gives Specifics On Biden Corruption In Ukraine…Threats, Shakedowns, $$$

    Imprisoned Ukrainian Oligarch, Biden Corruption Witness Declares Ambassador Yovanovitch Directed Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Bureau To Support Hillary Clinton In 2016 Election

    BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.

    Former Ambassador Yovanovich’s Big Role In Thwarting Ukraine Investigation Into Hunter Biden

    The Mother Of All Deep State Corruption Hiding In Plain Sight

    Ukrainian Court Opens Investigation Of Biden Coercion Of Former Ukrainian President

    Soros-Influenced Atlantic Council Begs Ukraine Not To Investigate Biden Tapes

    Germany Releases Witness Against Biden From Prison, Refuses To Extradite To Ukraine

    UPDATE-CD MEDIA REPORTED THIS JUNE 5: Email Evidence Emerges Soros/Schiff Influenced Atlantic Council Took Money From Burisma Knowing It Was Dirty Money From Organized Crime

    UPDATE: Ukrainian Law Enforcement Arrest Suspect, Seize $6 Million Cash Allegedly Used To Force End To Investigations Into Burisma And Hunter Biden

    UPDATE: BREAKING…More Biden Audio Tapes From Ukraine…Discussing Destroying Witnesses To Corruption, Planning Organized Crime Schemes…Detained Witness Alleges He Was Arrested And Poisoned While Traveling To US To Testify

    Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: Where’s The Rest Of The $44 Million Bribe Joe?

    Biden Operatives On Ground In Ukraine Trying To Buy Remaining Audio Tape Evidence Of Corruption


    They Nicknamed Him ‘American Gangster’…How Joe Biden Reportedly Oversaw The Laundering Of $4 Billion Of American Aid To Ukraine

    Joe And Hunter Biden Met With Russian Energy Execs Within Weeks Of Crimean Annexation…The Question Is…Why?

    Report: Obama Weaponized The Federal Government Against American People, And It All Started In Ukraine…This Answers All Those Nagging Questions

    NCSC Must Be Really Worried About Our Reporting On Biden Corruption In Ukraine…Russia! Russia! Russia!

    BREAKING: Deep State US Agency Sanctions Ukrainian Releasing Audio Evidence Of Biden Criminal Activity

    NEW BIDEN AUDIO TAPE RELEASED IN UKRAINE Shows VP Trashing Incoming Trump Admin To Foreign Leader, Says He’ll Stay Involved In Ukraine After Inauguration, Discusses Jointly Damaging Trump

    Ukrainian MP Alleges US Acting Ambassador To Ukraine Having Affair With Head Of Soros-Funded Activist Group

    YouTube Deletes Biden Collusion Recordings From Ukraine

    What Stanley McChrystal ISN’T Saying About His DARPA-Funded Military Software

    BREAKING: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Demands To Depose Joe Biden During Corruption Investigation


    Burisma’s Only The Beginning! Biden’s Quid Pro Quo Sellout Of America

    Biden Made It Clear Russia Could Have Crimea, Prevented Ukraine From Defending Itself, Then Sanctioned Moscow And Accused Trump Of Collusion

    BREAKING: Emails Leaked After 2016 Election Show Fired Ambassador To Ukraine Yovanovitch Worried About Press Of Hunter Biden, Burisma Corruption

    CD Media Exclusive- Meet Alice! The DNC Hacker That Clears Julian Assange

    Chalupa’s Animal Farm – Who’s behind the Coup attempts…What Do They Want?

    Proof Positive Of Biden Corruption, Corroboration Of Tony Bobulinksy Testimony On Tucker

    Hunter Biden’s Laptop: Burisma Used Bidens To Engage US Ambassador To Shake Down Italy In Energy Deal

    Burisma Paid Hunter Biden More Than Other Company Directors

    Deep State Company Network Revealed In Ukraine Via Investigation Of Biden ‘Revenge List’ Creator

    Keep The Truth Bombs Coming From CDMedia! Donate!  



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    elisha sanders

    Let's not forget also that Biden The Bum is not only a chronic liar, as cited by those who know him, but he's also a longtime minority-hating race supremacist. The only others who get off on his vile race hatreds are other supremacists and those seen within certain conservative circles.

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